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44454 No.541  

Nobody is using this board, which is fine, but I'm the only moderator here and I don't want to keep "checking back in case something unusual happens" to be apart of my daily routine, so I was contemplating closing it on May 1, 2021 for a while now.

However, I wasn't able to give it a proper sendoff and let the day elapse in case somebody wanted to drop off a rabbit because I had to deal with fraud that morning and I was in a rush to cut everything.

I could go into the reasons why the position of "imageboard administrator or moderator" is not a desirable position in any way (e.g. mindset, risks, etc.), but I'd rather be asked about it or write a short article about it than dump it all here.

As always, there is the textboard: https://namelessrumia.heliohost.org/lounge/

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