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For a brief overview and summary, see “What is Cookie☆?

Marisa and Alice's Cookie(Biscuit) Kiss (魔理沙とアリスのクッキーKiss, Marisa to Arisu no Kukkī Kiss), also called Cookie☆ (クッキー☆, Kukkī☆)1) or Ku☆ (ク☆), is an infamous fan-made Touhou Project that was organized by “Hazuna Rio” (蓮奈理緒) and released on February 14, 2010.2)

The video was poorly received by the Japaense Touhou Project community and became the subject of tag vandalism, then the Inmu community had latched onto it, considered it “so bad, it's good”, and sparked a subculture of MAD videos and 'voice drama' projects.3)

As a side note, 'Cookie☆' is a secondary derivative work of Touhou Project, meaning that its subculture is arguably tertiary or quaternary since it isn't really Touhou Project at that point, despite the usage of character avatars to represent the voice actors,4) and it's meant to troll in the first place.5)


The story begins with Marisa and Alice joining Reimu for tea and snacks at the Hakurei Shrine, then Marisa realized that she never gave her reciprocal White Day gift to Alice and departs. Suika briefly shows up.6) We return to Marisa crashing into Koumakan to borrow their kitchen, intending to bake a gift, but they just ran out of ingredients, so Marisa and Sakuya head out.

However, they discover that Alice shops there and decide to go for 'fresh ingredients' instead, and Alice tags along to overlook them. The two harass Mystia for eggs, but run into Yuuka who knocks Marisa out, then Marisa wakes up in Koumakan, finding out that they apologized and ended up receiving eggs from Eirin on the way back, though one of Utsuho's eggs was mixed in. Eventually, the baking finally commences.

Koakuma, Marisa, and Sakuya tests the product on Patchouli, then Marisa heads back to the Hakurei Shrine because Alice got impatient and went there. However, Marisa crashes into Utsuho, which crushes the gift. Fortunately for her, Alice appreciates Marisa's gift, the credits roll as they joke about using Reimu as a food taster, then we get a scene of Sakuya giving one to Meiling.

Cast and credits

Voice actors

Voice actor Character(s) voiced Twitter handle
Udzuki Kousei
UDK姉貴 Marisa @uzukikousei
Hinase Haruka
HNS姉貴 Alice, Daiyousei @pyo_nnn
RU姉貴 Reimu @shirataki_ctake
Yukimura Rio
原発姉貴8) Sakuya @sor_yt
YZY姉貴 Koakuma, Mystia @nkbaaa
YMN姉貴 Suika, Cirno, Patchouli @kurageyaming
MCT姉貴 Meiling, Remilia, Yuuka @maco_ta
NDK姉貴 Utsuho, Rumia @krnk_ndk

Music credits

Track Composer Original song
Honobono Jinja
(ほのぼの神社, lit. “Heartwarming Shrine”)
“Readjustment Person”
“Dichromatic Lotus Butterfly”
Yan Meirin da kke?
(ヤン・メイリンだっけ?, lit. “Yan Meirin, was it?”)
a0 “Shanghai Alice of Meiji 17”
Honobono Vuwaru
(ほのぼのヴワル, lit. “Heartwarming Voile”)
raytona “Voile, the Magic Library”
(星霜, lit. “Stars and Frost”)
Yuunagi Haruki
“The Witches' Ball ~ Magus”
Azuma no Kuni no Nigiyakana Machi
(東の国の賑やかな街, lit. “Lively City of the Eastern Country”)
Mizuki Yamato
“Sleepless Night of the Eastern Country”
Reichi no Sentō Kyoku
(霊知の戦闘曲, lit. “Battle Song of Mystic Wisdom”)
“Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom”
Splendid and Honorable
(Splendid Honorable)
Ottiki “Lunar Clock ~ Luna Dial”
Eastern Dreams, Ephemeral Dreams
(Eastern Dreams, Ephemeral Dreams)
Zuikaku P
“Crimson Tower ~ Eastern Dream…”

Art credits

Toggle unfinished section.


In 2007, Hazuna Rio began the Author is Healthy Series, a series of fan-made slideshows videos focused on lesbian Touhou Project pairings,9) and got the idea to organize a video collaboration project on October 16, 2009.10) The project gathered 43 participants, somehow rented a high-class recording studio in Tōkyō,11) and it finally released on February 14, 2010 for Valentine's Day despite it focusing on White Day.12)

Initial reaction and spread

Upon release, the Touhou Project community would harshly criticize it for bad acting, bad pacing, bad writing, and having an inconsistent art style, though the community was admittedly 'spoiled' by other stellar works. Anyways, people vandalized the tags and the Inmu community noticed that it was tagged as Manatsu no Yo no Inmu, so they responded with a short parody13) and left many 'dirty' comments.14)

Hazuna did not like them, so they respectfully mirrored the video,15) then Niconico began accepting takedown requests in September 2010, which led to Inmu–Cookie☆ videos being taken down16) at his request,17)18)19) which sorta angered or annoyed the Inmu community. At this point, the community figured out that Hazuna Rio is male,20) but it didn't sound off any alarms because there was no reason to at this point in time.

In the following month, a small Inmu sect formed around Udzuki's streams,21)22) despite questions about said project being prohibited, and this eventually led to a dedicated Udzuki thread after she cried on stream.23) Afterwards, she failed her entrance exam,24) the 'SKRYK' controversy happened,25) and the “Cookie☆ General Thread” (クッキー☆総合スレ, Kukkī☆ Sōgō Sure) was made on November 16, 2010.26)

Hazuna scandal

Then on November 20, 2010, we see Nadeko wanting to kill Hazuna, bringing attention to Hazuna's meetup with Hinase at a Hokkaidō restaurant, though Hinase said nothing came out of it.27) Soon after, people had discovered that Reu was suspicious28) and Udzuki may have been sexually harassed,29) then came the whole realization that Hazuna was in his 30s and his behavior with high school voice actresses was 'suspect'.

He was suspiciously wealthy and had an incredible drive, driving all over Japan and covering their expenses, but the troubles began when these actresses brought up inappropriate hugging, leg touching, and sharing erotic doujin books. In short, people realized that the entire thing as a front to sexually harass high school girls, which was enough to oust him on November 21, 2010.30)

MADs and the Next Cookie☆

During this, the Cookie☆ MAD scene exploded with the success of 'Inmu so Cookie' on October 30, 2010,31) then people started realizing that the scene was entering a drought as they built it on a single video, so the quest for new material began. This led to them finding Training with Sanae and Kuso Inu☆, but it didn't really kick off until they discovered Cookie☆☆ S132)33) and, most importantly, Cookie☆☆ S2.

Sequels and spin-offs


The Touhou Seirensen Melody Collaboration Video☆ (東方星蓮船メドレー合同動画☆, Tōhō Seirensen Medorē Gōdō Dōga☆), or Seirensen☆ (星蓮船☆), was a cancelled fan-made collaborative animation that “Hazuna Rio” planned and storyboarded34) as his next project, but the scandal forced him to abandon it, then the person who inherited it was urged not to go forward with it.35)


As for the 'spiritual successors' to Cookie☆, the community managed to find a number of fan-made projects, which supposedly fit their criteria, and even started their own projects with varying degrees of success. I'm probably not going to go over every 'spiritual successor' because they're plastered all over the front page and there's a dedicated Cookie tag for these types of articles, but here are the most notable ones:

ZUN's response

There have been many attempts to ask ZUN, the creator of Touhou Project, about Cookie☆, but nothing had came out of it. For the PS4 release stream for Touhou Shinpiroku on December 10, 2016,36) BeatMARIO brought up Cookie☆ to ZUN, claiming that his kids heard of it, so ZUN jokes if he meant Cookie Clicker and then gives a generic statement in regards to Touhou Project fan works.37)38)

However on Nikenme Radio's 88th broadcast on December 26, 2017, it is revealed that BeatMARIO actually brought this up several times despite being told to stop, along with ZUN being advised to not answer this.39) Then in the Touhou Station stream on August 22, 2018, after Violet Detector's release,40) we see BeatMARIO ask again, bringing up Remmuh, Shiriri, and Yamin, but ZUN still refuses to answer.41)


  • “Tsurikichi Obasan” (釣りキチおばさん) was a Futaba Channel photoshop fad that borrowed the face that Sakuya makes at the very end of the video, saying “yeah, thank you” (うん、ありがとう).
  • Hinase is often depicted with a 'sickle arm' in reference to the Japanese visual novel, Dies Irae, and it's actually called the “Margueritte-Bois de Justice” (罪姫・正義の柱) holy relic.42)

Background characters

  • Arrow-kun (矢印くん, Yajirushi-kun) - The red arrow that appears with Alice at 00:53.
  • Mental disability43) (池沼, Chishō) - Flandre at 11:35, playing with the ingredients.
  • The Chicken that Appears in the Mddle of Cookie☆ (クッキー☆の中盤あたりに出てくるニワトリ, Kukkī☆ no chūban Atari ni Detekuru Niwatori) - The chicken doodle at 14:50.
  • Garbage (ゴミ, Gomi) - Medicine at 16:10, as she kinda just looks like she's in a junkyard.
  • Lenin (レーニン, Rēnin) - Eirin at 18:37, based on Udzuki's pronunciation. Lenin.
    • Crying Rabbit (泣き兎, Naki Usagi) - Reisen at 18:37, bowing to Eirin.
    • Laughing Rabbit (笑い兎, Warui Usagi) - Tewi at 18:37, laughing right next to Reisen.
    • Princess (姫, Hime) - Kaguya at 18:37, completely blocked by Reisen.
  • Hell Raven (地獄のカラス, Jigoku no Karasu) - The “hell raven” doodle that appears at 18:54.
  • Skull-kun (ドクロくん, Dokuro-kun) - The skull doodle that appears at 19:06.
  • Death Shadow Aneki (死相姉貴, Shisō Aneki) - Komachi at 21:02, popularized by Kokakoi.
  • TORI and INU - Aya and Momiji seen in the credits at 26:28.

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You don't pronounce the '☆' in Cookie☆, it's only there for the aesthetics. It's like how you're technically not supposed to read out the 'X's in a username like 'xXxCOOKIE_KISSxXx'. It's not 'Cookie Star'.
The term 'voice drama' (ボイスドラマ, boisu dorama) is a wasei-eigo translation of 'koegeki' (声劇) that refers to audio-only dramas (e.g. radio drama), except the Cookie☆ community doesn't follow this logic.
This is a bad analogy, but do you know how people that are into superhero films might specifically name the actor who played the superhero? That's kind of what's happening here.
In the past, Cookie☆ served as 'bait and switch' material for Inmu MAD videos, and their community would gaslight you by saying “Who is Marisa? Is she your girlfriend?”. Nowadays, it doesn't have that much impact because it's been over a decade and most of the Japanese internet knows what Cookie☆ is at this point.
For some reason, Suika appears for a brief 50-second scene, which apparently explains that Alice visited the Human Village because Suika and Reimu got 'drunk' while Marisa was at Koumakan.
“Udzuki Kousei” (宇月幸成) would normally be rendered as “Utsuki Kousei” or “Uzuki Kousei”.
“Genpatsu Aneki” (原発姉貴) is a reference to her anti-nuclear tweets which followed the 2011 earthquake, tsumani, and subsequent nuclear disasters in Japan. This was a year after Cookie☆.
"蓮奈理緒作品ガイド.mp苦行" (December 26, 2014). Niconico Douga.
"ニコニコ合同動画企画☆" (October 16, 2009). Dorusu Torusu.
"東方合同百合動画☆@ ウィキ". Touhou Collaborative Yuri Video @Wiki.
"魔田所とトオノのアイスティーKiss" [Mirror] (February 27, 2010). Niconico Douga.
"【TDN】真夏の夜の淫夢【DB】 3本" (March 3, 2010). 2channel /streaming/.
"【TDN】真夏の夜の淫夢【FFSNJ】13本目" (September 17, 2010). 2channel /streaming/.
"【TDN】真夏の夜の淫夢【KBS】15本目" (September 15, 2010). 2channel /streaming/.
"【TDN】真夏の夜の淫夢【KBS】15本目" (September 19, 2010). 2channel /streaming/.
"【TDN】真夏の夜の淫夢【KBS】15本目" (September 19, 2010). 2channel /streaming/.
"【TDN】真夏の夜の淫夢【FFSNJ】13本目" (September 19, 2010). 2channel /streaming/.
"【TDN】真夏の夜の淫夢【軍畑先輩】16本目" (October 22, 2010). 2channel /streaming/.
"【TDN】真夏の夜の淫夢【蓮奈理緒】17本目" (October 27, 2010). 2channel /streaming/.
"【ニコ生】宇月幸成スレ【魔理沙】" (November 11, 2010). 2channel /streaming/.
"【ニコ生】宇月幸成スレ【魔理沙】" (November 13, 2010). 2channel /streaming/.
“Sakura Yuki” (桜雪), or ”SKRYK”, was a friend of Udzuki who occasionally appeared on her streams, but annoyed people with Inmu jokes, which led to Udzuki crying for them while eating Totoro Soba.
"H氏の声明文". Cookie☆ Matome.
"R氏への質問と返答". Cookie☆ Matome.
"U氏の証言集". Cookie☆ Matome.
"霊夢 so クッキー☆" [Mirror] (October 30, 2010). Niconico Douga.
"クッキー☆38" (December 24, 2011). 2channel /streaming/.
As a tangent, Dies Irae is a very long visual novel that contains four routes, and the point of origin predates the 2017 anime adaptation that only adapts one route. I'm not doing all of that. Good luck!
“Chishō” (池沼) normally translates to “ponds and marshes”, but “Chiteki Shōgai” (知的障害, lit. “mental disability”) can be shortened to “Chishō” (知障) which can be converted into “Chishō” (池沼) instead.
The annotations are mostly lost now. I'm just leaving a link if anyone wants to read those ancient comments.
cookie☆.txt · Last modified: 2025-02-09 17:51:35 by namelessrumia