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“Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.”
– Karl Marx

Religion is a complex and controversial subject where these systems of designated behaviors and practices often guide actions, morals, and worldviews. Some utilize supernatural beings, such as gods or spirits, while others simply guide without use of any figurehead.


Purpose of Religion

The main purpose of religion is to serve as an outlet that calms the mind and instills hope onto the masses when people are suffering in dark, desperate times. In other words, its goals are to spiritually help people stabilize in a cruel world filled with death, disasters, and tragedy by offering an explanation of the world and a way of life to make people feel like they belong or have a goal or purpose.

Crossing into Politics

Most issues that people have with religion have to do with how much religion bleeds into politics and how it can be easily abused by politicians hiding behind it to justify terrible laws. An inefficient government that arbitrarily inflicts despair and suffering onto its citizens may indirectly guide people to use religion as a sort of coping mechanism, thus strengthening their base.

Personal stances

I support the separation of church and state and state atheism, but I wouldn't blindly abolish religion since you alienate people by ignoring its spiritual impact and would need to replace the void with say, a revolutionary leader or founder?1) That aside, I would leave religion alone as long as it promotes good values and, if possible, suggest incorporating some religious principles into the ideal system.2)

Notable religions

Damn, I don't care about this.


  • Have you ever thought about the words: cult, mythology, and religion? Isn't “mythology” simply an outdated religion? Isn't “cult” just the same as “religion”, but arbitrarily seen as a pejorative?
  • About half of the world follows an Abrahamic religion, such as Christianity (31.2%), Islam (24.1%), and Judaism (0.2%),3) so take note of the infighting and schisms under the banner of Abraham.
  • The caste system in India, which has historically influenced caste systems in other parts of Asia, divide society into four groups using the typically religious concept of Varṇa and Jāti:
    1. Brahmin/Brahminas - Academic scholars and priests.
    2. Kshatriya/Rajanya/Satrias - Rulers and warriors.
    3. Vaishya/Wesias - Artisans, farmers, merchants, landowners, and skilled workers.
    4. Shudra/Sudras - Farm workers, manual labor, servants, and unskilled workers.
  • The concept of base and superstructure in Marxist theory states that religion is a byproduct of the material conditions people live in, but it also cycles back to influencing said material conditions.
  • If you end up dying in war, you may attempt to reach out to your mother, guardian, or some god.

See also

【Under Discussion】
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Unfortunately, a revisionist Corn Man called this a “cult of personality” and thought it was a bad thing.
While it's true that Vladimir Lenin was an atheist that criticized religion, he did borrow "He who does not work shall not eat" in State and Revolution, indirectly referencing “2 Thessalonians 3:10”.
religion.txt · Last modified: 2022-03-07 06:50:27 by namelessrumia