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Soko made yo!

Soko made yo!” (そこまでよ!, lit. “That's enough!”),1) or skmdy, is AA that uses Patchouli Knowledge from Touhou Project to stop threads as a reminder that the board is for all ages if discussions get erotic. The original no-reference text art was crafted by “Deep Takezaki” (Dプ竹崎).

Text artwork

          ':,    ',   !                     \
   \      ':,      _,,.. -‐''"´ ̄`"'' ト、.,_.       ,,--,┐  \    ヽ /
 \  \\     r-、 ァ'´      _ト、.,__ノ ノ `ヽ,ヘ,   //: /::::!   <    ∠______
           ノヾ、rァ'  __,ゝ‐i"`y'__]`''ー、'    / `>t,// :/:::::::!  /     /
    \\    `'(__!r-‐i__」-‐'"´,i  `''ー、」ー-ヘ、イ'"´.!:|||||:::::::/   \     (___
       \   r‐ァ'´]-‐' '/  !  ハ /!ィ' i `''ー'、/ゝ  |:|||||:::;t'、  ミ  >  _______
 `' 、        ヽ7´ !   !/!メ、!」 レ-rァ''iT7   iヽ」`i´!:!!!」:ノ ! i   /     '´
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   ,.-`ヽ  >  i_,!`ヽ、/ |   !⊃   r‐-、    /! ! ヽ._」 /      !  /    ー┼-
   `ー‐ァ (´__,ノ! |   `7!  .i'>,、.,__'--‐' ,..イ!  i ̄´ノ!       | /      ー┼-
     'ーri´ヽ_/7   〈    V7「ヽ7i ̄´'ノ ! '.、  ':、 '、       ;' \      r-iー、
 --─  ! |::::://   r-、,ゝ、!__j ';  トー'i i  ',    `ヽ.、'     /     \    `ー' '
      '、ゝ'ン___,,...->ア`ー-'、 ,' i | i i |   ヽ.   ヽソ`''ー--‐'      /   --─ァ ヽヽ
        ̄      く ./___」_';/ ! | ! ! ! i   ,ゝ-‐''ンヽ.       く       /
          rソ´`ヽ、`'ァー-‐' ,.イ/ ,' ,' ! ', く_」`7´ハ  〉        >     '、___
         _r'ー--‐''"´   / ;'  i i ,ハ ヽ !_/ヽ!__L/       く      i
        //      -イ  /! ;'/ ム       \          \.    ├‐
       rン_,,.. -      /  / ;' !レ'´ i         `ヽ.        <    r-iー、
       `ト、        !  〈 i ;' / ,ハ      ヽ.     'r、      /   `ー' '
        ノ.ノ __     ノ   i V / / /!       '.,    _r'ヘ    /       l 7 l 7
       i_|  V   /    ハ./ ;' i i '、 }><{  ン´/!/     \     |/ .|/
       ヽヽ ∧      / ;'  i  ', ヽ、 i     r'"ン:::::/     /    o  o

Search engine

| What do you want to look up?
| ┌────────────┐
| |                  |
| |                   |
| └────────────┘
| [ Option (O) ]    [ Search (S) ]
`──────────┐ ┌───
     r,ヘ──- ,ヘ_    ..| ./
     rγー=ー=ノ)yン´    |/
     `i Lノノハノ」_〉
       ∪   \)
| What do you want to look up?
| ┌────────────┐
| |  <That's enough!!>  |
| |                     |
| └────────────┘
| [ Option (O) ]    [ Search (S) ]
`──────────┐ ┌───
     r,ヘ──- ,ヘ_    ..| ./
     rγー=ー=ノ)yン´    |/
    (ヾ7i Lノノハノ」7)
    /. ヽ#゚ -゚ノi|7
      ノ li l i_|ヘ

Fantasy Maiden Wars

┃HP  700/1500        ┃HP  19300/19300..   . ┃
┃━━━━━────   ..┃━━━━━━━━━  防┃
┃EN 300/500 ━━─   ┃EN 200/200 ━━━   ┃
:::::::::;::;:;:::;;:::::::: :r,ヘ──- ,ヘ-r┐::::::::::::::;:;:::::::::;::::::;:;::::;:....::::::::::....::::
::::;::::;::::::;:::::;::::: rγー=ー=ノ)y.ノl||| .:;...:;..:;..:;..::::::::::::.....::;:::::::::::;:::::;:::::::::.:;.:
::::;:;:::::::;::::;::::::: `i Lノノハノ」_〉__l||| :::::::::::::::;::;::::::::::::::;::....::::::::;:::....::::::::::::
::::;::::::;:;:;::::;:::::::;:;|l |i| ゚ ヘ ゚ノ∩:;´:;:;::::::::;::::...:;..::::::::::;::::;::::::::::::.....:::;::::::::::.
:::;::::::;:::::;:;::::::::: !γリi.ハiリiイ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::;::....::::::::::....:::::::;:::::::::::::::::
::::::;:;::::::::::;:;:::::: |,( ll」i l .i_|」::::::::.....:::::::::::;::::;:::::::;:::::.....::;:::::::::::...:;..:;..........:::::
:::::;::::::::;;::::::::::: └'i,_ィ_ァ┘::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::;:::::::;::::;:::::::::::::::::::::
┃┌─────┐                             .┃
┃│ r,ヘ──-ヘ_│ Patchouli                 .┃
┃│rγー=ー=ノ) │                            ┃
┃│`i Lノノハノ」_〉│ 「That's enough...」              ,┃
┃│|l |i| ゚ ヮ゚ノi| │                               ┃


                  ,r'   /
              _r´   /                ____
          ___ `‐-、 _,'     ,. '  ̄ ̄``ヽ、   ヽ、 `ヽ、
            `ー弋ー..._ ___   / /  , ヽ_| ヽ    冫   1
          ,、 ゝ‐'ー-._ l `ヘr-⊥∠..rl叨}) ''ハ    \  |
        __ノ´ \       ヽ、 _    `ー二ー'-、!     `ー′
    ┌― ‐{ ヽ.    \       フ'/'`ー-- 、.___   │          That's enough!
    |    ヽヽ   /久.   / / {⌒l>i<l フY  リ!
    ヽ      ヽ ヽ ,/人 l /  / /!ソ  i 〈 /  l |
      `ーュ__ヽ ゝノク /  l>O<l !    i/ 〈   j .!
      芝玉竺壬云冫!/   / l   fマヌ天 }  ,|丿       _ .._
        `マリサー,jYノ/  ,!  |  |ノ」 〈>Oく_]|!       ..,r'    ``ー-- 、
            ̄ ̄´ / /  l___,|  /マ ! トハ...__,ゝ′     (エ,.- 、   __   丶
              / 亅    _,r'{ / | j ヽ  \      ({   }  ,、_) ヽ  ,r'"`;
                |  !  i r=ゞ''|/.ノ l  |、   丶、   ∥~1{' , ゝ._,イ  ;、 ノ
      /`ー 、    |  !  |  ̄フ´/  |   ヽ、   ヽ、 ゞ' l_|"ヘj-7-マクア小ゝ
     l|   , ゞ    |  !  | / /   ,|      }     ヽ、     `¨´`´ ゙゙´
      1 /       |  ! , ソ' /     ,|      |  , -- 、 ヽ、      _,..―-.._
     ', / ヽ、     ヘ_ |/ /       ,|    ノ   !ーo' }  ヽ    r'      /〉
      `-一′     レ' /        丿   /   l.__丿    ヽ  〔 ,へ、 レ′
               / _⊥..,,_      /     ;`ー-... __,,.. --‐'´、 `′ `′
                /ノ'"  ,'   ),ゝ/     ;  \  ヽ、  ゝ--- '、
            │   ,'   /  /`ー 、  ;    \  ゝィ'´ヽ .; ; j
             '、  ,'   /  /  ,'  `' 、'、  '、 ヽ  r'ヘ  ∨ ; .}
              ゙ 、′ イ  /  ,'      ヽ、  '、 ヽ   \  ∨..ノ
                `''‐/ ./  ,'       `ゝ、 '、_ゝ_,-´\ \
                    / ,/''ー------''''´    ̄         \ \__
                    ノ /                         ヽ '、 く
                 / 亅    ___                 }!= ゙ゞ!'
             _rf´ /┤    ヽ     `>                 i゙ーンゞ
           rゞ ニr''´ヘ._,|     ` へ .. ノ                  `ー'′
          `ー ´

Canonical usage

The phrase, “soko made yo” (そこまでよ), is generic and has been used in Touhou Project before, but it hasn't been said by Patchouli Knowledge so far. Below are all the in-game canonical instances:

Touhou Kaikidan, Stage 3 (Yuuka)

Yuuka なかなか、壮快かも。 This is quite invigorating.
Alice そこまでよ! That's enough!
あなたね、最近ここらで騒ぎを起こしてる奴って! You! You're the one causing all the ruckus around here lately!

Touhou Eiyashou, Stage 4 (Scarlet Team)

Reimu そこまでよ! Stop right there!
やっぱりあんたね。どうりで、時間の流れがおかしいと思ったよ。 It's you, right? No wonder I thought time's flow was off.
Sakuya 何の事かしら? What are you talking about?

Touhou Hisoutensoku, Stage 4 (Sanae)

Sanae さあそこまでよ! Now, that's enough!
Utsuho って、何をしてたんだっけ? Uh, what were we doing again?

Touhou Hisoutensoku, Meiling (vs Marisa)

Meiling おっと、そこまでよ!今は図書館の営業時間外さ! Hey, stop right there! The library's closed today!

Double Spoiler, Spoiler 1 (Aya)

Hatate そこまでよ! This is as far as you go!
Aya あら、あなたは…… Ah, you're…
Hatate 私が出てきたからには文の新聞もここまでよ! Since I showed up, this is as far as Aya's newspaper goes too!

Touhou Hyouibana, Stage 1 (Yukari)

Joon あ、誰か来たわ Ah, someone's here.
Yukari そこまでよ You've gone far enough.
貧乏神の紫苑に、疫病神の女苑少し、おいたが過ぎたようね Poverty God Shion and Pestilence God Joon, your mischief has gone on for a bit too long.

    _r'´ ____ `rヘ
    〃 / ハi|ノ   *cough*
    〈_ハ_/,イ_rノ `     *cough*
    (ノ,(ノ}_,./) ;:゜
The best translation for “soko made yo!” (そこまでよ!) is “that's enough!” in this context, compared to “that's it!”, “stop right there!”, or “you've gone far enough!”
skmdy.txt · Last modified: 2023-12-17 12:59:52 by