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Das Einheitsfrontlied (Live 1960)

Ernst Busch — Das Einheitsfrontlied (Live)

Lyrics Translation
DE Und weil der Mensch ein Mensch ist,
drum braucht er was zum Essen, bitte sehr!
Es macht ihn ein Geschwätz nicht satt,
das schafft kein Essen her.
And because a person is a person,
he'll need something to eat, please!
He gets tired of prattle
for it does not give him food.
DE Drum links, zwei, drei!
Drum links, zwei, drei!
Wo dein Platz, Genosse, ist!
Reih dich ein in die Arbeitereinheitsfront,
weil du auch ein Arbeiter bist.
So left, two, three!
So left, two, three!
To where your place is, comrade!
Join up with the workers' United Front,
for you are a worker too.
EN And just because he's a human,
he doesn't like a pistol to his head.
He wants no servants underfoot,
and no boss over his head.
And just because he's a human,
he doesn't like a pistol to his head.
He wants no servants underfoot,
and no boss over his head.
EN So left, two, three!
So left, two, three!
To the work that we must do.
March on in the workers' United Front,
for you are a worker too!
So left, two, three!
So left, two, three!
To the work that we must do.
March on in the workers' United Front,
for you are a worker too!
FR Tu es un ouvrier – oui !
Viens avec nous, ami, n’aie pas peur !
Nous allons vers la grande union
De tous les vrais travailleurs !
You are a worker – yes!
Come with us, friend, do not be afraid!
We are going towards the great union,
great union of workers!
FR Marchons au pas, marchons au pas,
Camarades, vers notre front !
Range-toi dans le front de tous les ouvriers
Avec tous tes frères étrangers.
Let's march in step, let's march in step,
Comrades, to our front!
Line up in the front of all workers,
with all your foreign brothers!
DE Und weil der Prolet ein Prolet ist,
drum wird ihn kein anderer befrei'n.
Es kann die Befreiung der Arbeiter nur
das Werk der Arbeiter sein.
And because a proletariat is a proletarian,
no one else will free him.
The liberation of the working class is only
the job of the worker.
RU Марш левой — два, три!
Марш левой — два, три!
Встань в ряды, товарищ, к нам,—
ты войдешь в наш Единый рабочий фронт,
потому что рабочий ты сам!
March left — two, three!
March left — two, three!
Stand in the ranks, comrade, to us,
you will join our United workers' front,
because you are a worker yourself!
DE Drum links, zwei, drei!
Drum links, zwei, drei!
Wo dein Platz, Genosse, ist!
Reih dich ein in die Arbeitereinheitsfront,
weil du auch ein Arbeiter bist.
So left, two, three!
So left, two, three!
To where your place is, comrade!
Join up with the workers' United Front,
for you are a worker too.
das_einheitsfrontlied_live_1960.txt · Last modified: 2021-10-08 10:25:04 by namelessrumia