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Defrag-san (デフラグさん) is an AA character that is used to represent defragmentation, but they also fixed sentences or out-of-order text artwork. They were vaguely used on 2channel's /gline/ board at one point, but the exact details aren't clear.

Text artwork

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     /[_]ヽ          When you defrag,
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     ■_]ヽ□        you rearrange files and unused space on your hard drive.
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■⌒      ヾ
   \[゚д゚]ノ          Increasing the program's speed
 ■■□ /■_◇_◇□□□

   □   ( )         might be possible... maybe.
  ■  ヽ[ ̄]ノ

   □   ( )  ウケケケケケケ
  ■  ヽ[ ̄]ノ


  • The usage of defragmenting programs was once popular and widespread in the age of HDDs.
  • It's necessary to warn that, with modern computers, you should not defrag an SSD.

See also

     [゚∀゚]ノシ Defragmentation complete!
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defrag-san.txt · Last modified: 2025-02-08 06:51:27 by namelessrumia