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For you!

For you!” (ふぉーゆーっ!, Fō yū!) is a phrase associated with Koakuma from Touhou Project that originally came from a fan comic illustrated by “Harifu” (葉りふ) on June 6, 2009.1) It's mostly just Koakuma in a cute pose using a meaningless phrase, then later became text artwork.


The comic features Koakuma singing to herself while boiling water, cooking a cup of instant noodles, then doing a cute pose as she ends up pointing to Patchouli Knowledge. Below is a translation of this part:

Original text English translation
Boiling hot water~
Boiling hot water~
Add a little hot water~
to the cup of ramen~
二分四十五秒― 2 minutes, 45 seconds~
Boiling up
for you~4)
ふ ぉ ー ゆ ー ! F O R   Y O U !

Afterwards, Koakuma instantly realized that she was being watched and gets embarrassed. Remilia Scarlet enters and makes the situation worse, then the pose and phrase catches on around the mansion.

Text artwork

 \    ' ,   ┼            //     ,:'    /
                       /     ,:'     \    -、
  \\    ト、   ,. '"´ ̄ ̄`` 、   ,.へ、        >    ヽ.
     \ /:::::ヽ/⌒       ⌒ヽイ:::::::::::`>  /  く   ノ、__ノ ヽ
      ∠、::::::::/   /` |  ./!    ハ `Y´⌒´  //  |
  `  、    ⌒7  / /-r | / | ∧-、 |  |     /    |      お
          | / .レ' __」_レ'  レ' _ ∨|/  |          !
   + .     | ハ | '´ ̄`    ァ==、! ./| +    -=ニ二     |
      r‐、 _,./´!∨wx   ,. - ,、  xw|.イ !.        i   |      |
 _人_   ヽ、_).」 |./ ト、.  |   ソ  ,.イ |. |      __ _人_ く
 `Y´    ,ハ__`ン!| |_,イ>r--r<´_| /  |  /\  `Y´  |__    ,.‐ト、
     ,..ヘ〈 ゝ-イ|∨ |:::::|  ヽ/  |::::レ'ヽ! |/:::::::::\  !    /  レ'  | )
   /:::::::`ゝ--イ、___,ハ::::ヽ/[]ヽ/::/   Y´::::::\::::::::\   ,'     `ア´
  <:;_/─-、./  , `|:::::::/ !:::::::::::|、  _\r'´ ̄\r─ヽ   |
           | /| く::::::〈 |::::::::::::! >'´   〉           |      |
          ∨ '/ヽ-へト---イく\___/          |      |
       /    r/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ヽr>┘              !
     i (_    \::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::〉            く     |`!
     ` ー      ,!`"7ー---ァr-‐イ  /|           `i    |_|
           /::::::/    /.八::::::::', く _!            .|    ロ
             |:::;::;'    | |  ヽ:;:::∨/             \     へ
            !:::::|    ヽ二ニ,ハ:::ハ               \/
           [こ八、       ./こ7 |
           ヽ--‐'       └--‐'

Slowly realizing

 \    ' ,   ┼            //     ,:'    /
                       /     ,:'     \    -、
  \\    ト、   ,. '"´ ̄ ̄`` 、   ,.へ、        >    ヽ.
     \ /:::::ヽ/⌒       ⌒ヽイ:::::::::::`>  /  く   ノ、__ノ ヽ
      ∠、::::::::/   /`! /!    ハ  `Y´⌒´  //  .!
  `  、    ⌒7   / ⌒|/ | ∧-、/|   |    /     |      お
          | / .!/ァrテr レ' _ ∨ !  |          |
   + .     | ハ |〈 弋り   ァ==、|  /| +    -=ニ二.      |
      r‐、 _,./´!∨wx   ,. - ,、  xw|.イ !.        i   |     |
 _人_   ヽ、_).」 |./ ト、.  |   ソ  ,.イ |. |      __ _人_ く
 `Y´    ,ハ__`ン!| |_,イ>r--r<´_| /  |  /\  `Y´  |__    ,.‐ト、
     ,..ヘ〈 ゝ-イ|∨ |:::::|  ヽ/  |::::レ'ヽ! |/:::::::::\  !    /  レ'  | )
   /:::::::`ゝ--イ、___,ハ::::ヽ/[]ヽ/::/   Y´::::::\::::::::\   ,'     `ア´
  <:;_/─-、./  , `|:::::::/ !:::::::::::|、  _\r'´ ̄\r─ヽ   |
           | /| く::::::〈 |::::::::::::! >'´   〉           |      |
          ∨ '/ヽ-へト---イく\___/          |      |
       /    r/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ヽr>┘              !
     i (_    \::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::〉            く     |`!
     ` ー      ,!`"7ー---ァr-‐イ  /|           `i    |_|
           /::::::/    /.八::::::::', く _!            .|    ロ
             |:::;::;'    | |  ヽ:;:::∨/             \     へ
            !:::::|    ヽ二ニ,ハ:::ハ               \/
           [こ八、       ./こ7 |
           ヽ--‐'       └--‐'
                                  \    -、
          ト、   ,. '"´ ̄ ̄`` 、   ,.へ、        >    ヽ.
        /:::::ヽ/⌒       ⌒ヽイ:::::::::::`>      く   ノ、__ノ ヽ
      ∠、::::::::/   /`! /!    ハ  `Y´⌒´        .!
          ⌒7   / ⌒|/ | ∧-、/|   |           !      お
          | / .!/ァrーr レ' _ ∨ !  |          |
           | ハ |〈 i、_ノ   ァ==、|  /|       -=ニ二.      |
      r‐、 _,./´!∨    ,. - ,、   |.イ !.            |     |
       ヽ、_).」 |./ ト、.  |   ソ  ,.イ |. |           く
        ,ハ__`ン!| |_,イ>r--r<´_| /  |  /\      |__    ,.‐ト、
     ,..ヘ〈 ゝ-イ|∨ |:::::|  ヽ/  |::::レ'ヽ! |/:::::::::\       /  レ'  | )
   /:::::::`ゝ--イ、___,ハ::::ヽ/[]ヽ/::/   Y´::::::\::::::::\   ,'     `ア´
  <:;_/─-、./  , `|:::::::/ !:::::::::::|、  _\r'´ ̄\r─ヽ   |
           | /| く::::::〈 |::::::::::::! >'´   〉           |      |
          ∨ '/ヽ-へト---イく\___/          |      |
       /    r/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ヽr>┘              !
     i (_    \::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::〉            く     ・
     ` ー      ,!`"7ー---ァr-‐イ  /|           `i    ・
           /::::::/    /.八::::::::', く _!            .|    ・
             |:::;::;'    | |  ヽ:;:::∨/             \     へ
            !:::::|    ヽ二ニ,ハ:::ハ               \/
           [こ八、       ./こ7 |
           ヽ--‐'       └--‐'


  • Wow, there sure a lot of things associated with the phrase, "for you", huh?

     /( _)\
    くフ´   `v^ヽ For you!
     〈リ从((、 l           (  )
     リ、゚ヮ ゚リ从ヘ、 人__   r┐ ( )´
    ∠(rイ7_'9mリ__,>  (  ( ̄ア
     く/::|::ハ>     ⌒ | ̄ ̄ ̄
      l.ノ ̄ヽ)         |

   Koakuma is boiling water・・・
"こあ漫画" (June 6, 2009). Pixiv.
“Shunshun” (シュンシュン) is a “whistling” sound, referring to the sound that a kettle makes.
“Hyunhyun” (ヒュンヒュン) is a “whoosh” sound, possibly being steam leaving the kettle.
It should be noted that “for you” in being spoken in Japanese as “anata no tame ni” (あなたのために) here, while “for you” in the next line is being spoken in English as “fō yū” (ふぉーゆーっ!).
for_you.txt · Last modified: 2024-05-05 15:19:11 by namelessrumia