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Shougololi” (小五ロリ) is a nonsensical joke on how satori (悟り), a religious term that roughly means “enlightenment”, can be broken down into “shougo” (小五)1) and “loli” (ロリ).2) To allow for variation, the AA used is also called “Iika, Minna” (いいか、みんな, lit. “Listen up, everyone”).


無念 としあき 04/06/13(日)12:47:59 No.13483423

The earliest mention of “shougololi” was from Futaba Channel's Nijiura, made on Sunday, June 13, 2004 at 12:47pm. A month later, a user in 2channel's “gunkata” thread on /gline/3) altered the AA into “satori” being pulled apart,4) then put together.5)

Text artwork

Original form

    Since the ancient times, we've learned that
     to understand truth is called 'satori' (悟り).
            (゚д゚ )
            (| y |)

    However, if we take 'satori' (悟り) apart...
           小  ( ゚д゚)   吾り
           \/| y |\/

             ( ゚д゚) 小五ロり

    In other words, we are already enlightened sages.
        (゚д゚ )
        (| y |) 

Common form

Listen up, everyone.
        (゚д゚ )
        (| y |)

'Shougo' (小五) and 'Loli' (ロリ) are two crimes by themselves.
     小五  ( ゚д゚)  ロリ
       \/| y |\/

    But combined, they become 'satori' (悟り).
        ( ゚д゚)  悟り


Listen up, everyone.
        (゚д゚ )
        (| y |)

When you try to force a bunch of characters together...
      Ш       「O
      Ⅳ」C ( ゚д゚) Sニ-
       \/| y |\/

         ( ゚д゚) EGOTISM

Anything is possible, but you have to be careful.
        (゚д゚ )
        (| y |)


Now, everyone fears the assassin,
        ( ゚д゚) assassin

But if we disassemble it...
     ass   ( ゚д゚)   in
       \/| y |\/

        (| y |)


Listen up, everyone.
        (゚д゚ )
        (| y |)

If we take the word 'believer' (信者)...
       信 ( ゚д゚)  者
       \/| y |\/

    You can combine them to make 'profit' (儲).
        ( ゚д゚)  儲

Therefore, you 'believers' are merely a source of revenue.
        (゚д゚ )
        (| y |)


Listen up, everyone.
        (゚д゚ )
        (| y |)

A 'flame' (火) would simply go away...
       火  ( ゚д゚)  火
       \/| y |\/

    But combined, you get a 'blaze' (炎).
        ( ゚д゚)  炎


Listen up, everyone.
        (゚д゚ )
        (| y |)

When you provide support for your 'heart' (心)...
      心  ( ゚д゚)  
       \/| y |)

You can be 'certain' (必).
        ( ゚д゚)  必


Listen up, everyone.
        (゚д゚ )
        (| y |)

Both 'pu' (ぷ) and 'a' (ア) don't mean anything.
       ぷ ( ゚д゚)  ア
       \/| y |\/

But combined, you get a dolphin.
        ( ゚д゚) ぷア

If you can't see it, do your homework.
        (゚д゚ )
        (| y |)


     Listen up, everyone.
        (゚д゚ )
        (| y |)

        ( ゚д゚)
        (| y |)

        (゚д゚ )
        (| y |)

     Where is everyone?
        (゚д゚ )
        (| y |)


Listen up, everyone.
        (゚д゚ )
        (| y |)

When 'trees' (木) gather...
       木 ( ゚д゚) 木
       \/| y |\/

        ( ゚д゚) 林

When more gather...
       林 ( ゚д゚) 木
       \/| y |\/

        ( ゚д゚) 森

        (゚д゚ )
        (| y |)

Gokū (Dragon Ball)

Listen up, everyone.
        (゚д゚ )
        (| y |)

'Shougo' (小五), 'ass' (穴), and 'ero' (エロ) are terms for sex perverts.
      小五  ( ゚д゚) エロ
       \/| y |\/

But if you combine all three, you become the strongest warrior.
      ヽ\ヾヽソ. (Gokuu)
       ゞミ ゚д゚)  悟空

Hand friend

     Listen up, everyone.
        (゚д゚ )
        (| y |)

If you combine 'hand' (手) and 'friend' (友)...
      手   ( ゚д゚)   友
       \/| y |\/

           (pull out)
        ( ゚д゚)  抜

        (゚д゚ )
        (| y |)


Listen up, everyone.
        (゚д゚ )
        (| y |)

'Hitachi' (日立) makes home appliances...
       日 ( ゚д゚) 立
       \/| y |\/

But combined, it makes a 'sound' (音).
        ( ゚д゚) 音<kono~ki nan'noki kininaruki~

T/L note: This is referencing the "Hitachi Tree" (日立の樹, Hitachi no Ki) jingle featured in Hitachi commercials since 1973, not to be confused with the samanea saman (monkeypod, rain tree) of the same name at the Moanalua Gardens in Honolulu, Hawaii.


Listen up, everyone.
        (゚д゚ )
        (| y |)

'H' (エッチ) and 'ero' (エロ) are terms for sex perverts.
       H   ( ゚д゚)  ERO
       \/| y |\/

    But combined, they become a 'hero' (ヒーロー).
        ( ゚д゚)  HERO


Listen up, everyone.
       ( ゚д゚)
      (| y |)

'Shouichi' (小一) and 'noro' (ノロ) are idiotic typos.
 小一  ( ゚д゚)  ノロ

But combined, they become 'Koishi' (小石).
     ( ゚д゚)  小石


Listen up, everyone.
        (゚д゚ )
        (| y |)

Both 'te' (で) and 'tsu' (つ) don't mean anything...
       で ( ゚д゚)  つ
       \/| y |\/

    But combined, you get Snoopy.
        ( ゚д゚) でつ

If you can't see it, do your homework.
        (゚д゚ )
        (| y |)


Listen up, everyone.
        (゚д゚ )
        (| y |)

When a 'person' (人) is filled with 'sorrow' (憂)...
       人 .( ゚д゚)  憂
       \/| y |\/

   It means they're 'tender' (優).
        ( ゚д゚) 優


    Listen up, everyone.
        (゚д゚ )
        (| y |)

    A 'person' (人) writes about a 'dream' (夢)...
       人   ( ゚д゚)  夢
       \/| y |\/

    Because they're 'transient' (儚).
         ( ゚д゚)  儚

Meaning that people's dreams are transient.
        (゚д゚ )
        (| y |)

Two people

Listen up, everyone.
        (゚д゚ )
        (| y |)

This character means 'person' (人)...
        ( ゚д゚) 人

When two people help each other.
       人 ( ゚д゚) 人
       \/| y |\/

You just have 'two people' (从).
        ( ゚д゚) 从

Not support.
        (゚д゚ )   *toss*
        (| y |\


    / ,:'´, -‐ヮ、ゝ    パカッ
   / イ/ノハλノヽ〉
   / 〈|从 ゚ - ゚ノ)_
  // (,ス.L`\@]ヽ./
  " ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄


.    ______
   ./        / -っ
  " ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
“Shougo” (小五 / 小5) is short for “Fifth Year, Elementary Schooler” (小学校5年, Shōgakkō Go-nen).
“Lolita” (ロリータ), often shortened to “loli” (ロリ), is a synonym for “shoujo” (少女) or “youjo” (幼女) that describes young women with a short stature or youthful face. The term was once broad, describing the aesthetic of feminine dresses (i.e. lolita fashion) or schoolgirl uniforms, but the definition became muddied when the term “low teens” (ローティーン) caught on in the 1990s.
"ガン=カタのガイドライン2" (May 10, 2004). 2channel /gline/.
"ガン=カタのガイドライン2" (July 10, 2004). 2channel /gline/.
"ガン=カタのガイドライン2" (July 11, 2004). 2channel /gline/.
shougololi.txt · Last modified: 2023-12-17 12:59:52 by