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Taiwan Independence Chihuahua

Taiwan Independence Chihuahua” (台獨吉娃娃, Táidú Jíwáwá) is the derogatory political term comparing irrational supporters of Taiwan independence to a pack of neurotic Chihuahuas who bark easily. It had came from PTT's Gossiping board around August 30, 2018.


In the 'Gossiping' board on PTT, there was a thread on Tsay Ting-kuei criticizing then-mayor Ko Wen-je for opposing the renaming of Chinese Taipei to 'Taiwan' on Facebook. In the following day, a PTT user named “TrenchCoat” would compare these independence supporters to Chihuahuas for being irrational and, to use an English idiom, they were 'all bark and no bite'.

A few months later, the 2018 referendum notably concluded with a proposal to use 'Taiwan' in international events failing to pass, which mainstream news outlets expected. Regardless, it triggered an uproar on PTT where people begrudgingly used 'Chinese Taipei' ironically, so 'Taiwan Independence Chihuahua' would be the response. In January 2019, a user named “jimmyliu1217” made a thread about the ten symptoms:

  1. 為小事生悶氣
  2. 隨時出現情緒失控現象
  3. 莫名其妙地挑釁其他生物
  4. 對會動的東西都有敵意
  5. 不餓也要搶食物吃
  6. 占有慾極強
  7. 表情窮凶極惡
  8. 欺善怕惡
  9. 和其他狗爭寵
  10. 自認能打敗比他強壯的狗
  1. Seethes over trivial matters.
  2. Gets random emotional outbursts.
  3. Inexplicably provokes other creatures.
  4. Hostile to anything that moves.
  5. Snatches food, even when they're not hungry.
  6. Extremely possessive.
  7. Always wears a fierce facial expression.
  8. Bullies the good, fears the evil.
  9. Fights with the other dogs for attention.
  10. Thinks he can beat stronger dogs.


  • At the time of this writing, the National Chengchi University surveys reveal that the Taiwan Province mostly prefers to maintain the status quo, rather than rush to any provocative option.1)
  • Ignoring all of that, did you know that Chihuahuas are actually named after the State of Chihuahua in Mexico which, itself, is named after the North American Chihuahuan Desert?
taiwan_independence_chihuahua.txt · Last modified: 2025-02-14 21:37:34 by namelessrumia