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“It’s something that encourages you to spend three minutes a day, and that’s it. Like, it doesn’t want any more of your time than that.”
– Josh Wardle1)

Wordle is a web-based word game developed by Josh Wardle for him and his partner in 2021. It presumably began on June 19, 2021,2) though it wasn't public until late October 2021,3) and wasn't viral on Twitter until a “share result” button4) was added in December 2021.5)6)

Then on January 31, 2022, The New York Times Company acquired Wordle for a few million U.S. dollars7) and claimed that it'd initially remain free, though they plan to integrate it into their mobile app to drive up subscriptions8) which concerned people.9)10)11) It officially moved on February 11, 2022,12) then switched to a new stat tracking system around June 22, 2022.

This page is no longer updated as it lost my progress in the June 2022 update and my friend group is no longer interested in it.


It's a simple game where you get six guesses to figure out the daily13) five-letter word. With each guess, the blocks will normally change colors, showing you green (🟩) and yellow (🟨) blocks which hint at what the solution could be. As a side note, it should be noted that Wordle uses American English despite the origins14) and letters can appear more than once.


There has actually been subtle differences in Wordle's code over time, not just between the transition from Josh Wardle's personal website to The New York Times. The data has been presented in a chart below:

Version Accepted
“Final” Wordle
Answer End date
Josh Wardle's Wordle 2021-10-15 10797 2175 2174: (DOWNY) 2027-06-02
2021-11-24 10657 2315 2314: (SHAVE) 2027-10-20
New York Times's Wordle 2022-02-10 10638 2309 2308: (SHAVE) 2027-10-14
2022-03-14 10663 2309 2308: (FANNY) 2027-10-14
2022-05-06 10665 2309 2308: (AUGUR) 2027-10-14
2022-06-22 (v2)

Adaptations and clones

Foreign adaptations

You can find a better list at Wordles of the World.

Notable clones

  • Absurdle - @qntm
    An absurd Wordle where your first guess is always wrong, but you have infinite guesses.
  • Cookie☆ Wordle - @nsata_pr
    The Cookie☆-themed wordle where you have to guess the actress names in TDN Notation.15)
  • Dordle - @zarawesome
    A challenging Wordle where you have to uncover 2 puzzles with only 7 guesses.
  • Heardle - @heardle_app
    A musical intro guessing game that pulls from a “long list of popularly streamed artists”.
  • Hello Wordl - @chordbug
    It's a customizable Wordle where you set how many letters you work with, only 6 guesses.
  • Letterle - @edjeff
    This is a Wordle parody where you guess the random 1 out of 26 letters as the page gets longer.
  • Lewdle - @garywhitta, @leah, @theadamvision
    A rude Wordle where you have to guess a profane, vulgar, or obscene five-letter word.
  • Pokedle [JA/EN/ES/RU/KO/ZH] - @chuprod
    A comprehensive, multi-language Pokémon-themed Wordle. It uses a different palette, empty spaces are allowed, number of guesses will vary, and Pokémon up to Gen 7 are included.
    • Pokemon Wordle [JA] - @giga_yadoran
      In Japan, this is the Pokémon-themed Wordle that caught on. Empty spaces allowed.
    • Squirdle [EN] - @fireblend
      This is not Wordle. This is just a weird Pokémon-themed guessing game inspired by Wordle.
  • Squabble - @ottomated_
    A multiplayer Wordle you can play with friends. It's very fast-paced, so try to keep 2-3 words in mind.
  • Sweardle - @stuarthoughton
    A vulgar Wordle where you guess a profane four-letter word with 4 guesses in hard mode.
  • Worldle - @teuteuf
    A world-themed Wordle where you simply guess the country's silhouette. Look up “Worldle 46”.


  • The win messages in order: Genius → Magnificent → Impressive → Splendid → Great → Whew.
  • “Wordle” has been mistyped as “Worlde” many times in the making of this article.
  • In the past, “Wordle” was Jonathan Feinberg's word cloud tool,16)17) located at “” from 2008 to 2020. The tool presumably died,18) though Feinberg does “love” the new Wordle.19)
1) , 5)
"Wordle Is a Love Story" (January 3, 2022). The New York Times.
If you do some calculations, you'll discover that “Wordle #0” (CIGAR) was posted on June 19, 2021.
Wardle claims that Worldle went public in October, where "90 people played" on November 1, 2021, but the earliest public searchable link that I could find was at Twitter on November 16, 2021.
As an aside, Wardle does credit a Twitter user from New Zealand named “Elizabeth S” (@irihapeta) who invented the first Wordle emoji grid back on December 2, 2021.
The exact amount of the deal was never revealed, but it was hinted that it was in the “low-seven figures”, suggesting that it could be anywhere between $1,000,000 to $9,999,999 USD.
"The New York Times Buys Wordle" (January 31, 2022). The New York Times.
The game is technically daily as it changes at midnight, but the game relies on your device's set time which can be awkward, aggravating, or weird if your friends are playing in other time zones.
Wordle was hosted on a personal website that had a .uk top-level domain, and Wardle was from South Wales but moved to the United States in the late 2000s where he works as a software engineer.
The regular Cookie☆ Wordle pulls actresses from Cookie☆, Cookie☆☆ S1, Cookie☆☆ S2, Cookie☆☆ S3, Kusso☆ S2, Kusso☆ S3, and Kusso☆ S4, while the secret challenge adds Kusso☆ S1, SanaTore, Kasu☆, Kurapi☆, and Easter☆ into the pool. To access the secret challenge: click “シークレット間題に挑戦”, then click the same button in the pop-up and reload the page. Remember: two-letter characters are valid.
"Eagles Free Agency So Far, Courtesy Of Wordle" (July 28, 2011). Bleeding Green Nation.
"Me too, but I love this new game. :)" (January 3, 2022). Twitter.
wordle.txt · Last modified: 2024-09-23 00:24:07 by