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“⑨”, pronounced “
Cirno (Touhou)
In the Touhou Project community, “⑨” had became a popular fan nickname for the ice fairy, Cirno, after the Touhou Kaeidzuka manual labeled her as a “baka” (バカ).1) It's typically used to say “cute idiot”, but some might view it negatively, like Pad Chief and other nicknames of that era. As the term entered the international collective consciousness, September ⑨th has been recognized as “Cirno Day” (チルノの日).
The joke was later recycled in the Touhou Hisoutensoku manual. From there, fans have tried pushing it on other Baquartet members, raised “お⑨” (okyuu) as a ship name for Cirno and Utsuho Reiuji, raised “❾” after a tanned Cirno emerged as a Touhou Tenkuushou protagonist, and so on. However, these do not have that much staying power or international recognition.
Alternate meanings
- Nine-Ball (ナインボール, Nainbōru), from the Armored Core franchise.
- 9-ball in cue sports, commonly depicted as a yellow stripe billiard ball.
- 209 series (209系, Ni-maru-kyū kei), a type of low-cost Japanese commuter trains.
- Steinhaus–Moser notation, where “⑨” = 9[5] = 9[4]9 ≈ (9↑↑)910 ≈ 9↑↑↑10.
- Type 90 tank (90式戦車, Kyū-maru shiki sensha), a Japanese main battle tank.
External links
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