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”, pronounced “marukyuu(circle nine)” (丸九(まるきゅう)), is an enclosed alphanumeric intended for use in numbered lists, with this one as “9” for instance. Historically, older machines didn't have this character, so usage was once limited and it would be rendered as “(9)” instead.

Cirno (Touhou)

In the Touhou Project community, “” had became a popular fan nickname for the ice fairy, Cirno, after the Touhou Kaeidzuka manual labeled her as a “baka” (バカ).1) It's typically used to say “cute idiot”, but some might view it negatively, like Pad Chief and other nicknames of that era. As the term entered the international collective consciousness, September th has been recognized as “Cirno Day” (チルノの日).

The joke was later recycled in the Touhou Hisoutensoku manual. From there, fans have tried pushing it on other Baquartet members, raised “お” (okyuu) as a ship name for Cirno and Utsuho Reiuji, raised “” after a tanned Cirno emerged as a Touhou Tenkuushou protagonist, and so on. However, these do not have that much staying power or international recognition.

Alternate meanings


  • Mark (マルク, Maruku), somehow localized as Marx, from the Kirby franchise.
  • Nine-Ball (ナインボール, Nainbōru), from the Armored Core franchise.



  • The specific character is the Circled Digit Nine (, U+2468). Some people may mistake it for the similar, but subtly different, Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Nine (, U+2788).
  • on Pixiv Encyclopedia
  • 9 on Niconico Encyclopedia

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“Baka” (ばか, バカ) is a Japanese pejorative that meant “horse deer” (馬鹿, baka), but it would later be defined as “fool”, “idiot”, “moron”, or “stupid” in contemporary usage.
⑨.txt · Last modified: 2024-12-26 11:36:27 by namelessrumia