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Copper is a female Shiba Inu that ate a scorpion and her swollen face was uploaded to Tumblr on March 24, 2016.1) At some point, she ended up on 2channel's /livejupiter/ board, through Instagram, and would recieve the somewhat derogatory name of “Gaijiinu” (ガイジーヌ).


In the Japanese internet, people initially thought she had down syndrome, so /livejupiter/ would name her “Gaiji Inu” (ガイジ犬) which later became “Gaijiinu” (ガイジーヌ). For non-Japanese speakers, please note that the term “gaiji” (ガイジ) is derogatory internet slang for “shōgaiji” (障害児, lit. “disabled child”), joining the euphemism treadmill with “chishō” (池沼), “kichigai” (キチガイ), “fugu” (不具), and “katawa” (かたわ).


  • The uploader is not Copper's owner, “Pachrick” (Patrick) was just the male owner's boyfriend.2)
  • Copper's last known public photographs were posted in October 2016.3)4) We haven't seen any new photographs of Copper since his Instagram and Twitter profiles went private.
  • Theoretically, “Retardog” would be a suitable translation, but this would raise a lot of questions.

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"She ate a scorpion ):" (March 24, 2016). Tumblr.
"is your dog okay" (March 25, 2016). Tumblr.
"My sweet ex-step-dogter ❤️" (October 23, 2016). Tumblr.
gaijiinu.txt · Last modified: 2024-09-23 00:24:07 by