Table of Contents
2ch /livejupiter/
It was mostly notable after the /livebase/ migration in 2013, turning into a fast-paced general discussion board, rivaling /news4vip/ and /poverty/. However, /livejupiter/ went down in 2022, users fled to /livegalileo/, and the board hasn't exactly been the same.
Back in 2004, /livesaturn/ and /livevenus/ was set up on May 11, /liveuranus/ on October 1, then /livejupiter/ was came on October 21. It did see some activity, but most of these users settled at /liveuranus/. Then on December 29, 2005, some /news4vip/ users fled to /livejupiter/ and the default name was set to “Nameless as the Wind Blows” (風吹けば名無し) as they joked that the wind would decide their new name.
On May 11, 2009, /livebase/ saw heavy board regulations as non-baseball threads cluttered the board, which caused users to flock to /livejupiter/ on May 13, 2009 and remain for the rest of the 2009 NPB season. Despite the season ending and /livebase/ undoing these changes around June 2010, /livejupiter/ would remain occupied and became a general discussion board in the offseason.
The board would continue to keep this momentum, despite the website coming under new management, the sitewide reprinting ban causing the default name to be changed on March 3, 2014 but was reverted, and 2channel rebranding to 5channel. It eventually reached a point where /livejupiter/ had dethroned /news4vip/ as the most popular board by 2015 and it seemed like it would stay this way for many years to come.
Then on March 21, 2022, a hardware failure made /livejupiter/ inaccessible, so users fled to /livegalileo/, but never returned after /livejupiter/ went back up on March 23, 2022 because the board was just plagued with awful threads and the 2022 NPB season was about to start, which resulted in /livejupiter/ being reduced to Matome Site conflicts and VTuber commentary.
During the 2023 WBC, a server failure killed /livegalileo/ from March 13, 2023 to March 23, 2023 and did bring some users back, but most people returned to /livegalileo/ or started looking into alternate websites. Eventually, the depopulation was clear and during the 2024 Summer Koshien, it wasn't even in the Top 10 as /livejupiter/ fell all the way down to the 27th most populated board on 2channel.
- 33–4 - The infamous score of the 2005 Japan Series where the Marines defeated the Tigers, since their offense shut down and they forgot how to manage a bullpen. Accompanied with a *ding*.
- “Why?! Hanshin isn't even related!” (なんでや!阪神関係ないやろ!) / Nahankanna (な阪関無) - It's an old joke, especially after the 2023 Japan Series, that got spammed everywhere.
- Akan (アカン) - Roughly: 'damn' or 'no good'. It's from a 2009 Sankei Sports interview with Tigers manager Akinobu Okada,1) commenting on the collegiate–professional exhibition match.
- Haradei (ハラデイ) - Slang for 'post it' (貼らで, harade) and a pun on Halladay (ハラデイ, Haradei).
- Harandeii (ハランデイイ) - Slang for 'don't post it' (貼らないで, haranai de).
- “Oh, a J user?” (お、Jか?) - A shorter way of saying “Oh, are you a NanJ user?” (なんJ民か?).
- Passionate Hand-Flipping (熱い手のひら返し) - This describes the average sports fan's state of mind when they flip between furious criticism and enthusiastic phrase in a matter of seconds.
- “Shit stadium's the best!” (うーんこの球場最高や!) - The humorous typo of Norihiro Nakamura's remarks on the Tokyo Dome in 2010,3) because 'unko' (うーんこ) ≠ 'un, kono' (うーん、この).
- “What the hell is this guy talking about?” (なにいってだこいつ) - Somebody forgot to type the 'n' (ん) in 'itten' (いってん)5) and it somehow managed to catch on.
- “X is the best! We never needed Y in the first place!” (○○最高や!××なんて最初からいらんかったんや!) - In the 2006 NPB Draft, the Giants took Naomichi Donoue, so the Tigers took Masashi Nohara. Well, let's say Donoue retired in 2023 and Nohara retired in 2013.
- “Yeah, we took him!” (ええの獲ったわ!) - In the 2008 NPB Draft, the Tigers took Hsiao I-chieh, and hoped that they could trade him for Daisuke Miura. This evidently did not work.
- Wai (ワイ) - First-person pronoun, actually used in the Kansai region.
- Wao (ワオ) - A typo of 'Wai' (ワイ).
Alternatively, the Japanese translation for 'wow'.
- The default name, “Nameless as the Wind Blows” (風吹けば名無し, Kaze Fukeba Nanashi), was first established in December 30, 20056) as the /news4vip/ users joked about letting the wind decide.
See also
- 2ch /hangul/ (HanJ)
- HaseKara (Koushinism)
- Winnie the Pooh's Home Run Derby (Puniki)
External links
- Anything Live (Jupiter) - The front page of 2channel's /livejupiter/ board.
- Anything Live J on Niconico Encyclopedia
- Anything Live J Board on 2channel's Wiki
- Anything Live J Board on Japanese Wikipedia
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