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Winnie the Pooh's HR Derby

Winnie the Pooh's Home Run Derby (くまのプーさんのホームランダービー!, Kuma no Pū-san no Hōmuran Dābī!), or Puniki (プニキ),1) is a Winnie the Pooh-themed baseball flash game that was published around June 1, 2007 at the Disney Games website.

Brief history

After five years, the Flash game's unusual difficulty would be first discovered by 2channel's /livejupiter/ board on January 1, 2012,2) then spread to Futaba Channel, and received international attention once it reached 4chan on January 1, 2013. For the next few years, an annual 'Pu League' (プリーグ) thread would show up on the /livejupiter/ board, with users properly responding 'harandeii' (ハランデイイ).3)

Strategy Table

Pitcher Quota Description and strategy
3/10 (30%) Eeyore teaches the basics as he throws slow, easy balls. New players may be caught off-guard at how fast Pooh swings his bat, so get used to it here.
5/15 (33%) Lumpy throws straight balls. He's easy as long as you don't get distracted by his pitching animation.
8/20 (40%) Piglet also throws straight balls, but the speed starts to vary here. If you can't conform to the ball's speed, you'll probably have a rough time.
Kanga & Roo
12/25 (48%) Kanga and Roo throw balls seem to be bouncing, but don't be fooled by the ball's animation since there is no 'high-low' in this game.
15/30 (50%) Rabbit throws straight balls that start slow, but speed up in midair. You should be used to hitting straight balls, so he shouldn't be a problem.
19/35 (54%) Owl throws balls in an odd, zig-zag pattern. Some players get stuck, others say that you should aim somewhere in the middle.
28/40 (70%) Tigger is similar to Rabbit, except the ball turns invisible in midair. Take note of the ball's speed too or else you'll mess up on the timing.
Christopher Robin
40/50 (80%) Christopher Robin is the game's extra boss, taking all the pitching styles and using them in a random order. There is no strategy, you have to be lucky.


  • The game uses cookies to save your data. If it's not saving, disable your privacy extension. :)
  • If you prefer the Japanese version of the game,4) don't forget the “Status” (ステータス) button on the “Stage Select” screen where you can upgrade your bat's power, contact, and speed.
  • Christopher Robin gets called “Robikasu” (ロビカス) in Japanese discussions of the game.
  • In December 2020, the batting theme was revealed to be copyright-free music.5) To be more specific: Track 22 (C0_04022.WAV) of 音・辞典 VOL.20 with “陽春/ポップス” as its keyword.

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“Puniki” is a shortening of “Pooh Aniki” (プー兄貴, Pū Aniki). Wouldn't it be “Poohniki” instead?
"プーさんの野球ゲームwwwwww" (January 1, 2012). 2ch /livejupiter/.
The term 'harandeii' (ハランデイイ), a pun on Halladay (ハラデイ), is a slang term for “haranai de” (貼らないで, lit. “don't post it”) since users don't want to go through it again.
Some people believe that the English and Japanese versions are different. They're not.
puniki.txt · Last modified: 2025-03-25 13:59:17 by namelessrumia