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2ch /livegalileo/
Shortly after /livemars/ was established,2) /livegalileo/ was set up on August 27, 2021 with the intent to test out the new server's durability.3) It was initially flooded by the other live boards, temporarily had /news4vip/ users, faced a vandalism problem for the rest of the year, then there was the 'Tōsuko-min',4) and the /livejupiter/ users eventually revisited the board, especially after a hardware failure killed the board on March 21, 2022.
For some reason, the migration ended up being permanent because the 2022 NPB season was starting up and there weren't any good reasons to resume the status quo at /livejupiter/. In 2023, /livegalileo/ went offline during the 2023 WBC from March 13, 2023 to March 23, 2023. This time, the users were eager to check out alternate websites, but things eventually returned to normal.
- Galileo, named after Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei, was a Statesian space probe that was sent to study Jupiter and its moons from 1989 until its intentional destruction in 2003.
External links
- Anything Live (Galileo) - The front page of 2channel's /livegalileo/ board.
- NanG on Pixiv Encyclopedia