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Gyate-kora (ぎゃてコラ), also called Ohayou, refer to edits of a specific image of Kyouko Kasodani from Touhou Project that was illustrated by “Nekomura” (ねこむら) and uploaded on April 30, 2011.1) This caught on at Futaba Channel, then spread to the rest of the internet.


On April 30, 2011, “Nekomura” uploaded the four-panel comic which featured Kyouko and Marisa,2) then this somehow spread to Futaba Channel and people made edits of it. The exact details are unknown, but June 2011 appears to be the earliest possible month. It seems like there was a much larger boom around 2014, but details are unclear. On September 22, 2014, “Nekomura” acknowledged it and made one her icon.3)


The term 'gyate' (ぎゃて) is a reference to the 'Gya~te~ Gya~te~' (ぎゃ~て~ ぎゃ~て~) that appears over Kyouko's talksprite in Touhou Shinreibyou, referencing the Heart Sutra in Mahayana Buddhism, but it has also surfaced as a catchphrase or nickname. The term 'kora' (コラ) does stem from 'collage', yet this is actually the Japanese internet's term for what we call an image manipulation or 'photoshop'.

In the English community, they were originally called an 'Ohayou' (おはよう, lit. “Good morning”) since people saw the Futaba Channel threads, noticed that 'ohayou' or 'ohayou gozaimasu' was often attached, and just assumed this was the name, like a Pokémon. The earliest usage, in this way, appears to be 4chan's /jp/ board on June 29, 2011,4) though some have since disowned the term.

For the Chinese communities, they are usually called 'Xiǎngzǐ-liǎn' (响子脸, lit. “Kyouko face”), but they have also been called 'Cūnǎi-wán' (粗乃丸)5) or 'wán' (丸) instead. For the Korean community, they seem to be called 'Boljjal' (볼짤), a portmanteau of 'bol' (볼짤, lit. “[face] cheeks”) and 'jjal' (짤), which is an abbreviation of the Korean internet's term for a meme image, 'jjalbang' (짤방, lit. “deletion prevention”).


  • It shouldn't be confused with the 'Angry Dog Noises' meme, which is an edit of a panel from Katagiri's Myourenji Picture Diary Summary (命蓮寺絵日記 まとめ, Myouren-ji Enikki Matome) doujin.

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"セルフぎゃてコラ" (September 22, 2014). Twitter.
The term “Cunai-wan” (粗乃丸) is a pun on “chūlái-wán” (出來翫 / 出来玩, lit. “come out [to] play”).
gyate-kora.txt · Last modified: 2025-02-21 02:29:42 by namelessrumia