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Kimonge (きもんげ) is a unique, two-faced Yukkuri Udonge variant who is hideous, thus the “kimoi” (キモイ) part of her name. She originated from 2channel's /gline/ board. Generally speaking, she is a completely separate character from Yukkuri Udonge or Yudonge.


In the Touhou Project community, Reisen used to be known as “newcomer bait”, since trolls would insinuate that her popularity stems from her basic “template-like” design (e.g. rabbit ears, blazer) that was allegedly meant to captivate newcomers. As a response, Kimonge was created as a character who humorously abuses the alleged concept of “popularity from appearance” in order to make a profit.


Kimonge has two faces, the “outward face” (表の顔, hyō no kao) and the “inward face” (裏の顔, ura no kao). With her outward face, she just puts on Yukkuri eyes, isn't as talkative, and might dance.1) With her inward face, she has this nasty face, speaks with a Kansai accent, is very greedy with money, smokes a cigarette, and works “hard” every day. The latter is usually what we call Kimonge.

Text artwork

Outward face

      ,.‐‐、       ,.--、
     く__,.ヘヽ.    / ,ー、 〉
       \ ', !-─‐-i / /´
      / `ー'    ー' ヽ
     /  /,  /|  ,  ,   ',
    イ  //-‐/ i L_ ハ ヽ! i
     レ ヘハi (ヒ_]   ヒ_ン) ト、!| |
     !, |7""  .. " 、 |  |
     | 从  'ー=三=-' 从  |
      レ' |> .,,_ __ イ/   .i

Inward face

       ,.‐‐、       ,.--、
      く__,.ヘヽ.    / ,ー、 〉
        \ ', !-─‐-i //
       / `ー'    ー' ヽ
      /  /,  /|  ,  ,   ',
     イ  //-‐/ i L_ ハ ヽ! i
      レ ヘハi:::( ゚ )::::::( ゚ ):::ト、!| |
      !, |7""  .. "" 、ソ  |     ∬
      | 从  'ー=三=-' 从  | _
       レ'| i> .,,_ __ イ/  .i =|л=・
       レ'| | / k_7_/レ'\i |, ( E)
        | |/i 〈|/  iヽ  ヽ_//

See also

   .  l    .: : レ  `~               \  /  l: : :    . :l
      l   .: : /  /  / /  l   l  l      `" ',   l: : : :  . : l
     l   .: : / /  / /  l l   l   l  ヽ  \  ',   .l: : : :  . : l
.     l   .: : /  /  /  /  llハ   ll   l  ',   ヽ ',   l: : : : . : : :l
     l:.  . : :/l  l / l _」l-─rll」 l  ll l _l  ',    ', ',   l: : : : : : : :l  *gulp*......
    l: : : : ::/ l  l ,' l、 ハ:::::::lll l l  l.l l l  l~`ヽ」_  ', .l. ',   ',: : : : : : ::l
    l: : : ::/l l  ハl  ハ _」〆"`ヽlハ /l l l_」"`ヽ::::l l  l .l  ', ヽ: : : : : :,'       (
    l: : ::/ l l l l  ト::::!  0 |:::::∨::l::::| 0  i::::l   ll ,'  ',   ヽ: : : :,'        )    (
    l: :/ l  l l |   !::::ヽ   ノ::::::::::::::::::ヽ  ノ:::l  /l./   ',   ヽ: :/        ( (    )
    ∨  l  ! | l  /:::                :::l / l/    ',    ∨         ヽヽ  ノ
.       l  l  |.|从 U     ・  ・       il / l     ',                ) ))
       l  l  i | | 丶     .ーェ王王ェ-、  .イ l/  l     ',               (,, (
       l  l  | l l _ ヽ、           ,,.'゙ |.l_ l       ', (ヽ、( ヽ.________)ノ
      l  〆 | l  ! / | ` ー-- -ー''"\  \ ̄~`ヽ    (入 \/////////////;;;)
      l/   | l !    ヽ /{  )\ |   ∠  ノ)ヽ<二二~\ \ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄~
      /     | l !     \ /⌒\ 〉   ̄ /   / └--、ヽ、\ - \ |
     /      | l !       \ い /     /   //ノ   丶  -     〉
kimonge.txt · Last modified: 2023-12-17 12:59:50 by