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Masochistic Tenshi

Masochistic Tenshi” is a semi-plausible Touhou Project fan theory about Tenshi Hinanawi being an extreme masochist, which has had canonical backing since her 2008 debut in Touhou Hisouten, but without confirmation, it currently remains an in-joke amongst the characters.


In Touhou Hisouten, we have Tenshi's unusual reasoning for causing the incident, wanting Reimu to 'eliminate' her, then we have her “State of Freedom from Worldly Thoughts” (無念無想の境地) spell card, which casually informs us that Tenshi had been using kiai to endure the pain. This specific spell card is later revisited within The Grimoire of Marisa, where it's given a unique 'Masochist Level' (マゾ度, Mazo-do) of five stars.

While a solid argument, Tenshi hasn't exactly responded to the allegations in canon. Naturally, some fans just ran with the idea: abusing her, pairing her with the alleged sadists (e.g. Sanae, Yuuka), and granting her a study body, which may explain why some fan-made RPGs may give Tenshi a high defensive stat. Once again, be mindful that some fans may embrace or reject the theory.


  • Some tentative, rarely used, names are “Most Masochistic Princess” (モーストマゾヒスティックプリンセス) and “Ultimate Masochistic Creature” (アルティメットマゾヒスティッククリーチャ).
  • The IOSYS doujin circle released an arrange that was titled “Uchouten Mazohisutikku” (有頂天マゾヒスティック)1) in their 2008 “Touhou Bubbling Underground” (東方泡沫天獄) album.

See also

“Uchouten Mazohisutikku” (有頂天マゾヒスティック) is often translated as “Ecstasy Masochistic”, but it can also be translated as “Highest Heaven Masochistic” as it references Akaniṣṭha or Bhavāgra.
masochistic_tenshi.txt · Last modified: 2025-02-08 11:55:19 by namelessrumia