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Sadistic Sanae

Sadistic Sanae” was the early fan interpretation of Sanae Kochiya from Touhou Project after her debut as a protagonist in Touhou Seirensen. It would be known as 'Sa-nae' (S苗), the 'Wind Butcher' (風屠, Kazehofuri),1) and the 'Ultimate Sadistic Human' (アルティメットサディスティックヒューマン).


At the time, fans were floating the Masochistic Tenshi theory around, then the Touhou Seirensen trial comes out with Kogasa bringing up 'sadism' (さでずむ) in the Reimu A route, and we find Sanae being extremely enthusiastic about 'youkai taiji' (妖怪退治, lit. “youkai extermination”)2) in the Sanae A route, so one thing led to another and fans would start framing her as brutal, mean-spirited, and sadistic.

However, this fan interpretation was eventually phased out as Sanae's personality became more fleshed out with the latter entries and print works expanding on the Moriya Shrine becoming a catalyst for several plot points in the series, revealing that Sanae is rather 'dorky' or 'nerdy' in canon, with her ability to infodump about science or her knowledge of video games and pop culture.


  • I don't consider “Dark Sanae” (黒早苗, Kuro Sanae) to be one of this interpretation's names since it's a rather broad term, and having darker or evil versions of characters isn't exactly a new concept.
  • The infamous Koishi Komeiji's Heart-Throbbing Adventure expands on this interpretation of Sanae in Episode 6 and 7, giving her a tragic backstory to explain her sadistic personality. However, this was done at its peak popularity. As a result, the backstory has aged terribly over time and modern viewers would probably be confused at what now comes across as unwarranted filler.

See also

“Wind Butcher” (風屠, Kazehofuri) is a play on her occupation of “Wind Priestess” (風祝, Kazehafuri).
The term “youkai taiji” (妖怪退治) has the literal meaning of “youkai extermination”, but may be translated as “youkai purification” or “youkai hunting” instead.
sadistic_sanae.txt · Last modified: 2025-02-10 06:48:23 by namelessrumia