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Personal Q&A

The personal Q&A format is a variant of the social Q&A format where users set up a personal page or profile, where they take questions and have the option to answer them. Most services allow questions to be asked anonymously, but there's usually an option to turn it off for a reason.

Brief history

Historically, the personal Q&A format could be viewed as an evolution of personal letters, or notable people attempting to answer several letters in a blog post, forum post, or web page on the internet for all to see. However, it's important to note that, at the time, Q&A software mostly focused on the format of you tossing a question out into a community or group, not asking a specific question to a specific person.1)

You would then have to ask yourself: What would be the most efficient way to gather questions from a vast community? Sifting through each individual letter, or repurposing survey software for the occasion? The answer would have to be the latter because survey software typically provides the end user with a somewhat more organized list of questions, reducing the amount of clicks.

The phenomenon was then noticed by (Formstack), who arguably pioneered the format by launching in November 2009.2) In the following year, Tumblr would introduce a very similar “ask” feature on January 6, 2010,3)4) which famously kicked off the whole fandom trend of “ask blogs”, then lesser clones like AskFM would attempt to serve as a rival platform around June 14, 2010.

Unfortunately, the format hasn't exactly stood the test of time. Formspring had financial problems,5) was sold off and rebranded in 2013,6) then shut down in 2015,7) which eventually prompted a need for Retrospring, CuriousCat, and so forth. The next decade wasn't so kind as CuriousCat shuttered,8) AskFM shuttered,9) and Retrospring is pending shut down10) within a seven-month span.

List of services

I'm not really satisfied with how this chart looks.

Service Limit Jurisdiction Notes Source
512/Uncap “Europe” Registration closed. Website to shut down on March 1, 2025. Source
2048 N/A Current runner-up. Just need to fix their drawing tool… Source
Fragsturztaube ? N/A Retrospring clone. 'Questioning Dove', I think.
Revospring ? N/A Retrospring fork. Source
Straw Page
588 United Kingdom
500 Türkiye
Japanese services
1000 Japan
1000 Japan Questions only. You can't delete your account.
10000 Japan
20000 Japan
Lesser services
Uncap Germany Not recommended. Random questions flood inbox.
300 United States Instagram users only.


Anonymous cyberbullying

Most issues with the personal Q&A format stems from the option to ask questions anonymously, since it can be abused for cyberbullying and harassment.11)12) This can be traumatizing for a young mind and has actually led to suicide,13)14)15)16)17) but it can also be an unconventional form of self-harm.18)19) In any case, the platform will release some assuring statement,20)21)22)23) or they limit the anonymity.24)

With this in mind, I want to reiterate that you shouldn't be afraid to turn off anonymous questions, if need be, and you don't have to answer every question.25) After all, you have control over what people see on your page. That said, don't be afraid to vent about these messages to close friends and family, like, humans can't read minds and bottling this shit up can lead to depression.

Low traffic and revenue

A social platform that solely focuses on the personal Q&A format is usually doomed to fail since people are not going to stay on them or click around for long periods of time, resulting in low traffic and low retention, which is 'bad' if you're a business using social media logic. From there, businesses will attempt to 'salvage' it though enshittification, typically by spamming your inbox or pivoting to a dating service.

In other words, the personal Q&A format arguably thrives best whenever it's just a small feature for a much larger social networking platform, not when it's the only feature. However, the feature isn't without flaws since the platform would have to combat anonymous cyberbullying regardless and, hopefully, their staff have thick skin and aren't so trigger happy to ban your account.


  • In 2024, the FTC banned NGL from serving users under the age of 18, over deceptive practices and falsely claiming that the platform had AI content moderation.26)

See also

To be fair, sending people questions was already possible through instant messaging (direct messaging), bulletin boards, private messaging, emails, and many other methods, so why would there be a need?
"Formspring is shutting down" (March 15, 2013). Formspring.
"Now testing: Ask Me" (January 6, 2010). Tumblr.
"Teenage Insults, Scrawled on Web, Not on Walls" (May 5, 2010). The New York Times.
"Teenager struggled with bullying before taking his life" (September 20, 2011). The Buffalo News.
"Third suicide in weeks linked to cyberbullying" (October 29, 2012). The Irish Examiner.
"Digital Self-Harm: The Hidden Side of Adolescent Online Aggression" (October 3, 2017). Cyberbullying Research Center.
" puts safety first with new advisers" (January 16, 2015). Irish Independent.
The platform may decide to limit the ability to ask questions anonymously to registered users, which will drive up registration numbers and make it easier for the platform to pinpoint harassment. On the other hand, while it is an effective deterrent, one might argue that it kills the spirit of the format.
You should especially be mindful with complex or loaded questions. If you have the foresight to see that nothing good will come from answering the question, it's best if you just delete or ignore it.
personal_q_a.txt · Last modified: 2025-02-24 03:21:30 by namelessrumia