Table of Contents
Shiranēyo (シラネーヨ) is a fairly old AA character that was created by “Redcard P” (レッドカードP).1) He's a dinosaur-like oviparous mammal who usually says their name, which means “I don't know”, though he isn't actually used much as it's very difficult to use him.
Text artwork
∧ ∧ ┌───────────── ( ´ー`) < I don't know. \ < └───/|──────── \.\______// \ / ∪∪ ̄∪∪
Shiranaiwa (Shiranewayo)
∧∞∧ ┌─────── (*‘ー‘) < I don't know. \ < └───/|─── \.\______// \ / ∪∪ ̄∪∪
Shiranaiwa (シラナイワ), or Shiranēwayo (シラネーワヨ), is the female version of Shiraneyo.
___ ∧ ∧ < I dunno. (´ー`)_/| ̄ ̄ ̄ UU UU
Chiranēyo (チラネーヨ) is the younger form of Shiraneyo who speaks in half-width katakana.
________. | ..."Karake"? ||| | \____ __ ||| | )\ ∨ ||| 空 気. <⌒ヽ ヽ ||| \ ( ´ー`) ∧∧ |||_________V( 丿V^ ●Д゚,,) |,,| |,,| ヽ ( と ,) ノ ) | |~ ∧ .し`J,,.  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄\ Read the air, neyo.
Kuukiyometenēyo (クウキヨメテネーヨ) is a rare character that was user-requested and fulfilled by “TEMPTER”, but didn't really get used much. He just tells people to “read the air”.
◎___ // / // ソ / // ラ / ∧空∧ // ネ / / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ___________ {´ ◎ `} // / / < ソラネーヨ /,/,/,,/,,/\);;;;;;;;( // ヨ / \_____ しししし'⊂^):::::::::∨/__/ \_(_ノ::::::::::::|二手 (;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;) // > > <◎;;;> <;;;;◎フ
Soranēyo (ソラネーヨ) is a rare character, whose body was upgraded several times before users settled on the one shown above, that jumps in when you want to say “I give up” or “that's incorrect”.
∧M∧ ┌───────── ( ´ー`) < Hello, I am VIPsaurus ask me anything. \ < └────────── \.\ /| \.\ // \.\ // \.\∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧// \ / ∪∪ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄∪∪
The “VIPsaurus” is a western variant of Shiraneyo that emerged in Sageru on October 9, 20072) and he mostly answers random questions, then shouts “NEXT!” for the next one. He has spikes and four moles.
- Despite the lack of possible applications, he did end up being used in old AA-related flash files.
External links
∧ ∧ ┌────────────── ( ´ー`) < Say hello to the new family! \ \ └────────────── \ \ ∧∧ ∧∞∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧(´ー`) ∧∧ (*‘ー‘)∧ ∧ ( ´ー`)´ー`)⊂ヽ \/| ∧∧(´ー`) \ < (‘ー‘*) /| | つ| つ\ ⊂_,ノ(´ー`)∪∪ ̄ ̄ \⊂ヽ \/|____// ∠ 丿∠/|ノ ∧∧_ ̄ ∪∪ ∧∧\⊂/| ノ_ / ∪∪⊂^⌒⊃´ー`)⊃ ̄ ̄ ̄∪∪⊂(‘ー‘*⊂⌒^⊃ ∪∪