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Touhou Ningyougeki

Touhou Ningyougeki(Puppet Play) (東方人形劇),1) informally called Touhoumon, is a Japanese Pokémon ROM hack where the signature monsters have been replaced with Touhou Project characters. The final release was v1.812 on November 13, 2011, before the move to Gensou Ningyou Enbu.

Brief history

On June 28, 2008, “Hemoglobin A1C” (へもぐろびんA1C) uploaded a video previewing their hack2) and the video borrowed music by “Shion” (紫苑) from the “a-TTTempo” doujin circle.3) The early prototypes were distributed in video descriptions, but fans later set up a bulletin board and summary wiki for the hack, which is where the community ended up voting on the hack's name4) and featured character.5)

Later that year, “v1.5X” was released with puppets having three-stage evolution lines, though it kept the old type system. A few years later, “v1.8X” was released which introduced a new type system and limited the puppets to one evolution, with some puppets having up to four forms. Since the final version, the developers would go on to make Gensou Ningyou Enbu.

Official versions

  • Touhou Puppet Play v1.5 (v1.53; 2008-12-18)
    • Includes all characters up to Subterranean Animism.
    • Three-stage evolution lines, “Chibi” → Normal → “EX”, with some having an “Advent” form.
    • TL;DR: It keeps the old Pokémon typing system.
    • Official patch is in the “【公式】(公式のみ)” folder, the rest are bonus patches.
  • Touhou Puppet Play v1.8 (v1.812; 2011-11-13)
    • Includes all characters up to Great Fairy Wars.
    • Puppets can evolve once, either normally or via stone. Some puppets have up to four evolutions.
    • TL;DR: It has a completely new typing system.
    • Select main character patch in “東方人形劇ver1.812”, then apply bugfix in “1.812修正パッチ”.

Community polls (2008)

The community polls to decide the hack's title and feature character were held around July or August 2008, so the latest game was Touhou Hisouten, meaning Tenshi and Iku were the most recent characters.

Proposed title

Rank Proposed title Votes
1 Touhou Ningyougeki(Puppet Play)
2 Pocket Monster: Touhou
3 Touhou Fuumagyoku(Demon-Sealing Sphere)6)
4 Pocket Gensōkyō
5 Touhou Shuushuuroku(Collection Record)
6 Touhou Hifuuroku(Secret Sealing Record)
7 Touhou Keitaijuu(Mobile Beast)7)
8 Touhou Gensouki(Fantasy Record)
9 Pocket Monster: Hakurei Red
ポケットモンスター ハクレイレッド
10 Pocket Monster: Touhou Version
11 Touhou Monster
Pokémon Gensōkyō
13 Pocket Touhou
Touhou Kagomusumeki(Caged Girl Record)
46 options omitted 43

Proposed character

Rank Proposed character Votes
1 Reimu (霊夢) 216
2 Yukkuri Reimu (ゆっくり霊夢) 84
3 Mokou (妹紅) 49
4 Hina (雛) 35
5 Marisa (魔理沙) 33
Flandre (フランドール) 33
7 Sakuya (咲夜) 24
8 Yukari (紫) 20
9 ZUN 19
10 Cirno (チルノ) 16
11 Youmu (妖夢) 14
12 Sanae (早苗) 13
Remilia (レミリア) 13
14 Phantasm Wriggle (PHリグル) 9
15 Patchouli (パチュリー) 6
Alice (アリス) 6
Reisen Udongein Inaba
18 Eiki Shiki (四季映姫) 4
Suika (萃香) 4
Komachi (小町) 4
Suwako (諏訪子) 4
Akyuu (阿求) 4
24 options omitted 46

Further hacks

This is a personal wiki. It will have personal opinions.
The goal of this section is help differentiate the 15+ hacks for a 'casual' person,8) not for know-it-all snobs in gated-off communities.9)

Japanese hacks

  • [FireRed] The 1.8 Compatible Johto Region Patch (1.8対応ジョウト地方追加パッチ)
    This is a patch that adds the Johto region to certain v1.8 hacks, but the maps are kinda sloppy, level curve is challenging, you can't exactly fly, and it has a final boss gauntlet.
  • [Emerald] Touhou Ningyougeki: Hisui (東方人形劇『翡翠』)
    The v1.8 hack, developed by “Yggdrasil” (ユグドラシル), for people who happen to be interested in playing the games in the Hoenn region. It is exactly what it says.
  • [FireRed] Touhou Ningyougeki: Sasanqua (東方人形劇 山茶花)10)
    The v1.8 hard mode hack, developed by DSIRE_E, which adds in annoying puzzles, many double battles, and you'll see Level 100 puppets by the fifth gym. Patch to v1.8 Renko.
  • [FireRed] Touhou Ningyougeki: Kazebunri (東方人形劇 風分離)11)
    The v1.8 hack, developed by “Yorihime” (依姫), that expands the typing system from 17 to 19, introducing the 'Electric' (電気) type, as the name suggests, and the 'Hisou' (緋想) type.
  • [FireRed] Touhou Ningyougeki: Zoku Gensokyo Scenario (東方人形劇 続・幻想郷シナリオ)
    The v1.8 continuation of the v1.5 hack, “Gensokyo Scenario” by “Uda” (うだ), that was completed by Tencho (てんちょー), who is better known for the Pokémon Golden Sun hack.
  • [FireRed] Touhou Ningyougeki: Reimufate (東方人形劇 reimufatever)
    The v1.8 hack, developed by ReimuFate, that is odd, ambitious, but is a bit clunky. Patch to v1.8 Renko, but you also need to bring over a save file. This is still in active development, so…

English hacks

Ancient hacks / Pre-Aichiya Sanae hacks
  • [FireRed] Touhou Puppet Play 1.5 English Port
    An early hack, attributed to “LobsterHime”, that attempts to port over the v1.5 hack into English. This would come up a lot in the early Pooshlmer threads.
  • [Emerald] Touhou Puppet Play Emerald AE
    An early hack, apparently developed by Mille and “EXSariel”, that has somehow managed to float around the internet for quite some time. (Not yet evaluated.)
  • [Emerald] Touhoumon Scarlet Emerald
    An early hack, developed by “Anjirusensei”, with a fairly challenging level curve that injects a lot of ancient memes. (Not yet evaluated.)
  • [FireRed] Touhoumon Extra
    An unfinished hack, developed by “Anjirusensei”, that still injects a lot ancient memes, alongside bad mapping and a significantly unfair level curve. The demo ends at the second gym.
  • [FireRed] Touhou Puppet Play Insane
    An adaptation of Touhou Ningyougeki: Sasanqua, developed by Aura Kurai, with a ton of unfair modifications, a tryhard OC named Link, and is prone to crashing.
Modern v1.5 hacks
  • [Emerald] Touhoumon World Link
    An early v1.5 hack, developed by Aichiya Sanae, that adds in new regions, but the map design is 'unusual' in some areas and there are Vocaloid characters for some reason.
  • [FireRed] Touhoumon Another World
    An early v1.5 hack, developed by Aichiya Sanae, which attempts to port over “Gensokyo Scenario” by “Uda” (うだ). The original was never actually finished, so it does take a lot of liberties.
  • [Ruby] Touhoumon Marisa's Magic World
    An early v1.5 hack, developed by Aichiya Sanae, that is technically supposed to be played after Touhoumon World Link and Touhoumon Another World. (Not yet evaluated.)
  • [FireRed] Touhoumon Aqua+Yui / Merry's Version
    An early v1.5 hack, developed by Aquamentis and Yui, that is fairly decent for what it is. However, it has low payout and minor bugs that will gradually show up near the end of the game.
  • [FireRed] Touhoumon BlueTouhoumon Blue
    The v1.5 hack, developed by “Blue” and continued by “Zephyr”, which allows for sequence breaking, doesn't require a lot of grinding, and has the physical/special split.
Modern v1.8 hacks
  • [FireRed] Touhou Puppet Play 1.8 English Port
    An early v1.8 port, developed by Mille, for people who simply want the base experience, minus the bells and whistles of the more prominent Aichiya Sanae hacks at the time.
    • [FireRed] Touhoumon Unnamed
      An early v1.8 hack, developed by Doesnt, which offers a more challenging difficulty curve and fixes the issue of enemy puppets having illegal movesets.
  • [FireRed] Touhou Puppet Play Enhanced + Casual Music Patch
    An early v1.8 hack, developed by Aichiya Sanae, that combines and makes an attempt to port over many Japanese v1.8 patches that existed at the time. The end result, honestly, is a mess.
    • [FireRed] Touhou Puppet Play Enhanced Reloaded
      An improvement hack, development by “Zeta Sukuna”, that tries to fix much of the problems with Touhou Puppet Play Enhanced. Yes, it has the physical/special split.
  • [FireRed] Touhoumon Tweaked
    The v1.8 hack, developed by Neotornado, that adds in three new types (e.g. Wind, Fairy, Dragon), content, the physical/special split, and extends the roster to Double Dealing Character.
  • [Emerald] Touhoumon Purple
    The v1.8 hack, developed by Mille, for people who want to play in the Hoenn region instead. It's a pretty much goated hack, honestly, and extends the roster to Ten Desires.
Non-Gen 3 hacks


  • The “v1.5X” starters aren't really balanced. Reimu (Normal/Flying) starts with a STAB move, but Marisa (Fire/Electric) has an advantage over her and Sakuya (Ice/Steel) when fully evolved.
  • The “v1.8X” starters do form a balanced triangle: Sanae (Faith), Alice (Reason), and Reisen (Heart). However, be warned that Sanae is very weak to Tackle, a Beast move, in the early game.
    • In the Twitch Plays Pokémon run, Chibi Sanae was chosen as their starter, but it took a while to reach Pewter City since they'd keep getting wiped out by Chibi Nazrin and Chibi Tokiko.
  • If you're playing the Aichiya Sanae hacks, you are going to see the word, Boneka (Bonéka), which is just the Indonesian word for a doll or puppet, as the developer is from Indonesia.

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You could technically translate 'Ningyougeki' (人形劇) as 'Puppet Show' or 'Puppet Play', but the translators picked 'Puppet Play' back then, so that was picked up and used on the community's website.
“Touhou Fuumagyoku(Demon-Sealing Sphere)” (東方封魔玉) is a pun on the second game, Touhou Fuumaroku(Demon-Sealing Record) (東方封魔録).
“Touhou Keitaijuu” (東方携帯獣) would later become the Touhou Project and Pokémon crossover tag. It has nothing to do with the Keitai Denjū Telefang series.
Honestly, what information would you *really* get if I threw out list after list after list? I wrote this section with the intent to resolve the issue that the only 'opinion' that I could ever find was “the Aichiya Sanae hacks were kinda bad” and you just had to *magically* figure everything out yourself.
If your ROM hack has 'low visiblity' and nobody can easily find out who made it, then do something about it! I'm not the only person who thinks locking ROM hacks behind Discord servers is fucking stupid!
The Sasanqua (山茶花, Sazanka(Mountain Tea Flower)) is a native Japanese flower that can be red, pink, or white.
The full name of Touhou Ningyougeki: Kazebunri(Wind Separation) (東方人形劇 風分離) is technically Touhou Ningyougeki: Separation of Electric from Wind Type (東方人形劇 風タイプから電気を分離).
touhou_ningyougeki.txt · Last modified: 2025-02-28 01:42:43 by namelessrumia