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The Wrestling Series (レスリングシリーズ), often called Gachimuchi,1) is an MAD subculture that jokes about non-Japanese gay porn. Historically, it started out as bait-and-switch in the early days of Niconico,2) then users on 2channel began sampling it in MAD videos.3)

List of Characters

  • Billy Herrington(ビリー・ヘリントン) / Billy-aniki (ビリー兄貴) / Aniki (兄貴)
    The porn star from Long Island. Retired in the early 2000s, after he had a child, but Niconico invited him to Japan when the meme took off.4) Died, aged 45, due to a car accident on March 3, 2018.5)
  • Danny Resko(ダニー・レスコ) / “Danny Lee(ダニー・リー)” / Kazuya Kiyoshi (木吉カズヤ)
    The secondary protagonist who is up for a challenge, thinks there is 'no salvation',6) and shouts “Shin Nippori” (新日暮里).7) Retired in 2003, didn't die,8) but did comment on the fame in 2021.9)
  • Owen Bigland(オーウェン・ビグランド)10) / “Mark Wolff(マーク・ウォルフ)” / Ikariya Biollante (いかりやビオランテ)11)
    The heel who loses to Billy and picks a fight with leatherman Van. Retired in 2007 to be a realtor. It's implied that he does know about his fame, but doesn't openly recognizes it for obvious reasons.
  • Van Darkholme(ヴァン・ダークホーム) / Van-sama (VAN様) / Tadano Kosugi (TDNコスギ)12) / Tóng Dark-Wéi (佟dark为)
    The alternate protagonist, an Asian-American 'leatherman' who says the 'fuck you' line. He recognized his fame back in 2009.13)14) Retired in 2017. Streamed on Twitch.15)16) Trump supporter.
  • Steve Cassidy(スティーヴ・キャシディ) / Tortoise Fujioka (トータス藤岡)
    An actor with long sideburns, a rugged face, and looks like a middle-aged man.
  • Duncan Mills(ダンカン・ミルス)” / Gosaku Kamata (鎌田吾作)
    A young man who doesn't have a lot of lines, but his best misheard line is about being a crab.17)
  • Nicholas Di Ruscio(ニコラス・ディルシオ) / “Nick Steel(ニック・スティール)” → “T.J. Cummings(T・J・カミングズ)” / Yuuji Jounouchi (城之内悠二)
    A man who fears Shigemi,18) the woman described below. Retired in 2015, allegedly had HIV.
    • Lynn Ross(リン・ロス) / Shigemi Ideka (池田茂美)
      An old blonde woman who plays a maid. He's mostly feared by Yuuji. Compare to Inmu's Pinky.
  • Stephen Rout(スティーブン・ラウト) / Aka-san (赤さん) / Gedou(Heresy) Baby (外道ベイビー)
    The baby that used to be a Futaba Channel meme before he became the Gachimuchi censor. His dad found out in 2010,19)20) allegedly appeared in the IWF 2017 video, and did an interview.21)
  • Ricardo Milos(リカルド・ミロス) / Рикардо Милос / Ronaldinho (ロナウ自慰ニョ, Ronaujiinyo)22)
    Brazilian porn star from Jockbutt. Featured in the short-lived Butterfly fad in 201123) that had a 2018 resurgence on TikTok, which died as he called it 'illegal'.24) Died, aged 54, of pneumonia in 2023.25)


Billy Herrington's praise of the Kamikaze

Herrington praised the Japanese Kamikaze on Facebook on August 16, 2023, which Koreans would later discovered on July 31, 201426) and sent a petition. In response, Herrington would then post Yi Sun-sin, admittedly so they'd "stop crying", but continued to be ignorant about Korean culture. As a result, his death in 2018 got mixed reactions on the South Korean internet, “joining the Kamikaze”, so to speak.27)28)


  • Personally, I never liked Gachimuchi. The whole thing is just incredibly overdone at this point.
  • While the greater internet discovered Gachimuchi through Niconico reposts first, please note that Inmu predates Gachumuchi. At some point, a small wrestling feud developed between the two.
  • In the Chinese communities, it's called “Zhé♂xué” (哲♂学, lit. “Philo♂sophy”), presumably stemming from the subculture's tendency to miscategorize videos on Niconico Douga in the late 2000s.
  • By late 2014, the Twitch streamer Forsen was shown a Gachimuchi video29)30) and tried adding a Gachimuchi emote, but this was denied, so it became 'gachiGASM' on BTTV instead and this resulted in a whole slew of Gachimuchi emotes, with 'gachiBASS' being one of the most known.
    • A year later, Billy sent Forsen a birthday wish in 201531)32) and Forsen sent one back to Billy.33)
  • If you see Patchouli Knowledge from Touhou Project, it's because the drill sergeant video features Billy pronouncing 'attention' weird, being misheard as “Patchouli, ugh!” (パチュリー、ウッ!).

See also

  • Inmu - Gachimuchi is often paired with Inmu and Hentai Kuso Oyaji.
  • Rei no Are - The former category on Niconico.
The term 'gachimuchi' (ガチムチ) is a portmanteau of 'gatchiri' (ガッチリ, lit. “muscular”) and 'muchimuchi' (ムチムチ, lit. “chubby”) that refers to a bulky, wrestler-type body. It became the international term as the initial video was titled “Gachimuchi Pants Wrestling” (ガチムチパンツレスリング).
"本格的 ガチムチパンツレスリング" [Mirror] (August 10, 2007). Niconico Douga.
"歪みねぇビリー兄貴を取材してみた" (February 13, 2009). Niconico Douga.
The phrase “Sukui wa nai ndesu ka!?” (救いはないんですか!?, lit. “Is there no salvation!?”) is a mishearing of “Scream more like that!”.
The term 'Shin Nippori' (新日暮里, lit. “New Nippori”) is a mishearing of “Two can play it!”, which ended up becoming the fictional location that Gachimuchi takes place in.
"Danny/Kazuya say's Thank you" (May 10, 2021). YouTube.
Owen Bigland has confirmed that he is related to Reid Bigland, the former Fiat Chrysler sales chief.
Note: Biollante (ビオランテ, Biorante) is a reference to the Godzilla kaiju. Do not alter the spelling.
The name 'Tadano Kosugi' (TDNコスギ) was a portmanteau of baseball pitcher Kazuhito Tadano of Inmu infamy and martial artist Kane Kosugi.
"Web Date 11-28-2009". Van Darkholme.
In the blog post, he announces that Evan-sama by “yhmfsng” was his favorite MAD video, but he linked to a YouTube re-upload which has since been taken down and ended up crediting the wrong person.
"I'm live on Twitch" (February 8, 2020). Twitter.
"Van says it gachiHYPER" (February 2, 2020). Reddit /r/livestreamfail.
“Kani ni naritai ne?” (蟹になりたいね?, lit. “Want to be a crab?”) is a mishearing of “How do you like that, man?”
“Shigemi kowai deshou” (茂美怖いでしょう, lit. “Shigemi's scary, isn't she?”) is a mishearing of “She gave me quite a show”. You can probably read this in your head and understand why.
"My son is a meme?" (July 2010). Allen S. Rout.
Brazilian footballer Ronaldinho is usually rendered as “Ronaujīnyo” (ロナウジーニョ), but the “jī” (ジー) is replaced with “jī” (自慰, lit. “self-consolation”) which is a euphemism for masturbation.
The exact tag is the “Mainyo Series” (舞いーニョシリーズ), a strange portmanteau of “dance” (舞, mai) in “dance like a butterfly” (蝶のように舞い, chō no yō ni mai) with his name. This got lost in translation since nobody knew that Ricardo Milos was considered Gachimuchi, meaning “danceinho” wouldn't make any sense, so people took that 2011 Yuyuko animation (YouTube repost) at face value until 2018.
"Hello Everyone this is RICARDO MILOS" (April 19, 2019). Yahoo! Groups.
"Forsen vs Reynad" (November 12, 2014). YouTube.
"Happy Birthday Forsen - Billy Herrington" (December 16, 2015). YouTube.
"@BillyHerring777" (July 13, 2016). Twitter.
The term 'soramimi' (空耳, lit. “vaguely heard”) can be translated as a 'mishearing' or mondegreen.
gachimuchi.txt · Last modified: 2025-03-07 22:16:36 by namelessrumia