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List of Touhou Character Days

This article aims to be a comprehensive list of fan-made celebratory days for Touhou Project characters to account for the fact that most of them don't have canonical birthdays, with the exception of Miko who is based on a once-living person with an actual birth date.

Tag List

As a forewarning, I cannot guarantee that any of the following is actively celebrated if at all, so you'll have to verify some of these yourself. This is an issue with the two original articles being completely different, how lenient they may be when adding new days, and the fact that I have to translate and find the whole reasoning behind approximately 300+ fan-made celebratory days.

For Characters

This page has a few issues to be resolved later (e.g. non-standard days, unlisted days, moving shared days to another section, etc.)

Character Name Tag(s) Explanation and Notes
Reimu Hakurei 01/06 1月6日は霊夢の日
Ichigatsu Muika wa Reimu no Hi
“January 6th is Reimu Day”
03/05 東方巫女の日
Tōhō Miko no Hi
“Touhou Miko Day”
3(Mi)5(ko). Miko Day. Shared with Sanae.
08/09 8月9日は博麗の日
Hachigatsu Kokonoka wa Hakurei no Hi
“August 9th is Hakurei Day”
Every 6th 毎月06日は霊夢の日
Maitsuki Muika wa Reimu no Hi
“Every 6th of the Month is Reimu Day”
Marisa Kirisame 02/02 2月2日は普通の魔法使いの日
Nigatsu Futsuka wa Futsū no Mahōtsukai no Hi
“February 2nd is the Ordinary Magician's Day”
2(Fu)2(tsu). “Futsū” (普通, lit. “Ordinary”), like in “Futsū no Mahōtsukai” (普通の魔法使い, lit. “Ordinary Magician”).
05/16 恋色の日
Koiro no Hi
“Love-Colored Day”
5(Ko)1(i)6(ro). “Koiro” (恋色, lit. “Love-Colored”), like in “Koiru Masutā Supāku” (恋色マスタースパーク, lit. “Love-Colored Master Spark”).
07/07 7月7日は魔理沙の日
Shichigatsu Nanoka wa Marisa no Hi
“July 7th is Marisa Day”
Marisa has a spell card titled “Milky Way” (ミルキーウェイ), known as the “Amana no Gawa” (天の川, lit. “Heaven's River”) in Japanese and is the centerpiece of Tanabata.
Touhou Koumakyou ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Rumia 07/07 東方想七日
Tōhō Sōnanoka
Touhou Sonanoka
See: Every 7th of the Month is Rumia Day.
10/07 十月七日はそーなのかーの日
Jūgatsu Nanoka wa Sōnanokā no Hi
“October 7th is Sonanoka Day”
Every 7th 毎月七日はルーミアの日
Maitsuki Nanoka wa Rumia no Hi
Every 7th of the Month is Rumia Day
The 7th of the month, “Nanoka” (7日(なのか), resembles Rumia's line, “Sōnanokā” (そーなのかー).
Daiyousei 07/04 7月4日は名無しキャラの日
Shichigatsu Yokka wa Nanashi Kyara no Hi
“July 4th is Nameless Character Day”
7(Nana)4(shi). Shared with Koakuma, Tokiko, Noroiko, and the Kaikidan 1st Stage Midboss.
Every 8th 毎月8日は大妖精の日
Maitsuki Youka wa Daiyōsei no Hi
“Every 8th of the Month is Daiyousei Day”
Rumia and Cirno are given the 7th and 9th respectively, so Daiyousei is given the 8th between them.
Cirno 08/21 8月21日はパーフェクトの日
Hachigatsu Nijūichi-nichi wa Pāfekuto no Hi
“August 21st is a Perfect Day”
August 21st is Perfect Day to commemorate Ritsuko Nakayama's perfect game which aired on national television in 1970 and Cirno has a spell card titled “Perfect Freeze” (パーフェクトフリーズ).
Kugatsu Kokonoka
“September th”
You know why.
Every th 毎月日はチルノの日!
Maitsuki Kokonoka wa Chiruno no Hi
“Every 9th of the Month is Cirno Day”
Hong Meiling 05/15 5月15日は美鈴の日
Gogatsu Jūgo-nichi wa Meirin no Hi
“May 15th is Meiling Day”
The 5th month is “May” and the 15th element is “Rin” (燐, lit. “Phosphorus”), so 5(Mei)15(rin).
Every 6th 毎月6日は美鈴の日
Maitsuki Muika wa Meirin no Hi
“Every 6th of the Month is Meiling Day”
In Chinese, “6” is pronounced “liù” which apparently sounds like “ryū” (龍, lit. “dragon”).
Koakuma 07/04 7月4日は名無しキャラの日
Shichigatsu Yokka wa Nanashi Kyara no Hi
“July 4th is Nameless Character Day”
7(Nana)4(shi). Shared with Daiyousei, Tokiko, Noroiko, and the Kaikidan 1st Stage Midboss.
Every 9th 毎月9日は小悪魔の日
Maitsuki Kokonoka wa Koakuma no Hi
“Every 9th of the Month is Koakuma Day”
Patchouli Knowledge 06/09 6月9日はパチュリーの日
Rokugatsu Kokonoka wa Pachurī no Hi
“June 9th is Patchouli Day”
Sakuya Izayoi 03/09 3月9日は咲夜の日
Sangatsu Kokonoka wa Sakuya no Hi
“March 9th is Sakuya Day”
Every 16th 毎月十六日は咲夜さんの日!
Maitsuki Jūroku-nichi wa Sakuya no Hi
“Every 16th of the Month is Sakuya Day”
Sakuya's surname, “Izayoi” (十六), means 16.
Remilia Scarlet Every 5th 毎月五日はレミリアの日
Maitsuki Kiū wa Remiria no Hi
“Every 5th of the Month is Remilia Day”
In Chinese, “5” is pronounced “wǔ” and this can be tied into the “U~☆” meme.
Flandre Scarlet 07/04 7月4日はフランちゃんの日
Shichigatsu Yokka wa Furan-chan no Hi
“July 4th is Flan-chan's Day”
Flandre is at least 495 years old and April 95th rolls over to July 4th.
Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom
Letty Whiterock
Chen 08/09 8月9日は八雲の日
Hachigatsu Kokonoka wa Yakumo no Hi
“August 9th is Yakumo Day”
8(Ya)9(ku)mo. Shared with Ran and Yukari.
10/10 10月10日は橙の日
Jūgatsu Tooka wa Chen no Hi
“October 10th is Chen Day”
10(Ten) sounds like Chen.
Alice Margatroid 07/16 7/16は七色の人形遣いの日
Shichigatsu Jūroku-nichi wa Nanairo Ningyōtsukai no Hi
“July 16th is the Seven-Colored Puppeteer Day”
7(Nana)1(i)6(ro). “Nanairo” (七色, lit. “Seven-Colored” or “Rainbow”) as in “Nanairo no Ningyōtsukai” (七色の人形, lit. “Seven-Colored Puppeteer”).
Lily White
Lyrica Prismriver 07/06 7月6日はリリカの日第一番
Shichigatsu Muika wa Ririka no Hi Dai Ichiban
“July 6th is the First Lyrica Day”
July 6th is Piano Day to commemorate when Philipp Franz von Siebold brought the first piano to Japan in 1823.
08/08 8月8日はリリカの日第二番
Hachigatsu Youka wa Ririka no Hi Dai Niban
“August 8th is the Second Lyrica Day”
August 8th is Keyboard Day since a piano usually has 88 keys.
Merlin Prismriver Sundays 毎週日曜日はメルランの日
Maishū Nichiyōbi wa Meruran no Hi
“Every Sunday is Merlin Day”
The name for Sunday, “Nichiyōbi” (日曜日), is derived from the Sun, “Taiyo” (太陽).
Lunasa Prismriver 08/12 6月73日はルナサの日
Hachigatsu Jūni-nichi wa Runasa no Hi
“June 73rd is Lunasa Day”
6(Lu)7(na)3(sa) and June 73rd rolls over to August 12th.
Youmu Konpaku 03/04 3月4日はみょんの日
Sangatsu Yokka wa Myon no Hi
“March 4th is Myon Day”
04/06 4月6日は妖夢の日
Shigatsu Muika wa Yōmu no Hi
“April 6th is Youmu Day”
08/06 8月6日は妖夢の日
Hachigatsu Muika wa Yōmu no Hi
“August 6th is Youmu Day”
11/24 11月24日は妖夢の日
Jūichigatsu Nijūyokka wa Youmu no Hi
“November 24th is Youmu Day”
11(Ii)2(Ni)wa4(shi) for “Ii Niwashi no Hi” (いい庭師の日, lit. “Good Gardener Day”).
Yuyuko Saigyouji 02/23 2月23日は幽々子の日
Nigatsu Nijūsan-nichi wa Yuyuko no Hi
“February 23rd is Yuyuko Day”
2(Fu)2(ji)3(mi). Yuyuko's other name is “Fujimi no Musume” (富士見の娘, lit. “Fujimi's Daughter”) as stated in her profile, with “Fujimi” being Saigyō Hōshi.
Ran Yakumo 08/09 8月9日は八雲の日
Hachigatsu Kokonoka wa Yakumo no Hi
“August 9th is Yakumo Day”
8(Ya)9(ku)mo. Shared with Chen and Yukari.
Every 9th 毎月9日は九尾の日
Maitsuki Kokonoka wa Kyuubi no Hi
“Every 9th of the Month is the Nine-Tailed's Day”
9(Kyuu)B(bi). “Kyuubi” (九尾, lit. “Nine Tails”).
Every 15th 毎月15日は天狐の日
Maitsuki Jūgo-nichi wa Tenko no Hi
“Every 15th of the Month is the Fox's Day”
10(Ten)+5(ko). “Tenko” (天狐, lit. “Fox Spirit”).
Yukari Yakumo 08/09 8月9日は八雲の日
Hachigatsu Kokonoka wa Yakumo no Hi
“August 9th is Yakumo Day”
8(Ya)9(ku)mo. Shared with Chen and Ran.
Touhou Suimusou ~ Immaterial and Missing Power
Suika Ibuki Every 3rd 毎月3日は萃香の日
Maitsuki Mikka wa Suika no Hi
“Every 3rd of the Month is Suika Day”
3 Suika, 3 Sake, 3 Weights.
Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night
Wriggle Nightbug 06/04 6月4日はリグルの日
Rokugatsu Yokka wa Riguru no Hi
“June 4th is Wriggle Day”
6(Mu)4(shi). June 4th is Bug Day (虫の日, Mushi no Hi).
08/09 8月9日はナイトバグの日
Hachigatsu Kokonoka wa Naitobagu no Hi
“August 9th is Nightbug Day”
Every 11th 毎月11日はリグルの日
Maitsuki Jūichi-nichi wa Riguru no Hi
“Every 11th of the Month is Wriggle Day”
The number 11 looks like her antennae.
Mystia Lorelei
Keine Kamishirasawa 04/30 4月30日は白沢の日
Shigatsu Sanjū-nichi wa Shirasawa no Hi
“April 30th is Shirasawa Day”
4(Shi)ra3(sa)0(wa). “Shirasawa” (白沢, lit. “Hakutaku”).
Full Moon 満月の晩はけーねのターン
Mangetsu no Ban wa Kēne no Tān
“The Night of the Full Moon is Keine's Turn”
Keine turns into a Hakutaku under a full moon.
Tewi Inaba 03/18 3月18日は因幡の日!
Sangatsu Jūhachi-nichi wa Inaba no Hi
“March 18th is Inaba Day”
1(I)7(na)8(ba) and January 78th rolls over to March 19th (or March 18th on Leap Year). Shared with Reisen.
Reisen Udongein Inaba 03/18 3月18日は因幡の日!
Sangatsu Jūhachi-nichi wa Inaba no Hi
“March 18th is Inaba Day”
1(I)7(na)8(ba) and January 78th rolls over to March 19th (or March 18th on Leap Year). Shared with Tewi.
Eirin Yagokoro 08/05 8月5日頃は八意永琳の日
Hachigatsu Tsuitsuka-goro wa Yagokoro Eirin no Hi
“Around August 5th is Eirin Yagokoro Day”
Kaguya Houraisan 09/08 9/8は輝夜の日
Kugatsu Youka wa Kaguya no Hi
“September 8th is Kaguya Day”
10/04 10/4はてるよの日
Jūgatsu Yokka wa Teruyo no Hi
“October 4th is Teruyo Day”
Fujiwara no Mokou Every 24th 毎月24日は不死の日
Maitsuki Nijūyokka wa Fushi no Hi
“Every 24th of the Month is the Immortal's Day”
2(Fu)4(shi). “Fushi” (不死, lit. “Immortality”).
Touhou Kaeidzuka ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View
Lily Black
Aya Shameimaru 10/09 10月9日は天狗の日
Jūgatsu Kokonoka wa Tengu no Hi
“October 9th is Tengu Day”
10(Ten)9(gu). Shared with Momiji and Hatate.
July 毎年7月は射命丸月間
Maitoshi Shichigatsu wa Shameimaru Gekkan
“Every July is Shameimaru Month”
July's traditional name is “Fumizuki” (文月) which can be read as “Aya Month”.
Every 23rd 23日は文の日
Nijūsan-nichi wa Aya no Hi
“The 23rd is Aya Day”
The 23rd of the Month is “Fumi no Hi” (文の日) which can be read as “Aya Day”. It was invented by Japan's Ministry of Post and Telecoms in 1975 as a letter writing movement.
Yuuka Kazami 07/14 7/14はひまわりの日
Shichigatsu Jūyokka wa Himawari no Hi
“July 14th is Sunflower Day”
July 14th is Sunflower Day to commemorate the Himawari-1's launch.
08/07 8月7日は風見幽香の日
Hachigatsu Nanoka wa Kazami Yuuka no Hi
“August 7th is Yuuka Kazami Day”
August 7th is Flower Day (花の日, Hana no Hi) because 8(Ha)7(na).
Medicine Melancholy 05/01 コンパロ祭
Konparo Matsuri
“Konparo Festival”
In France, they celebrate “Fête du Muguet” on May Day which commemorates King Charles IX being given a lily of the valley (スズラン, suzuran) for luck, while “konparo” (コンパロ) is from one of Medicine's lines of dialogue.
Komachi Onozuka
Eiki Shiki, Yamaxanadu
Touhou Fuujinroku ~ Mountain of Faith
Shizuha Aki 04/28 4月28日は静葉の日
Shigatsu Nijūhachi-nichi wa Shizuha no Hi
“April 28th is Shizuha Day”
Minoriko Aki Everyday 365日いつでも穣子の日
Mainichi ga Minoriko no Hi
“Everyday is Minoriko Day”
Hina Kagiyama 01/07 毎年1月7日はスーパー雛の日
Maitoshi Ichigatsu Nanoka wa Sūpā Hina no Hi
“Every January 7th is Super Hina Day”
03/03 東方雛祭り
Tōhō Hinamatsuri
“Touhou Hinamatsuri”
It's in the name, Hinamatsuri. Also, “matsuri” (祭り) means festival.
08/09 8月9日は厄神様の日
Hachigatsu Kokonoka wa Yakujin-sama no Hi
“August 9th is Yakujin-sama Day”
12/24, 12/25 厄リスマス
“Yakuristmas” (December 24-25th)
A portmanteau of “Yakujin” (厄神, lit. “Misfortune God”) and “Christmas” (クリスマス).
Every 17th 毎月17日は雛の日
Maitsuki Jūshichi-nichi wa Hina no Hi
“Every 17th of the Month is Hina Day”
Nitori Kawashiro 02/10 2月10日はにとりの日
Nigatsu Tooka wa Nitori no Hi
“February 10th is Nitori Day”
Every 20th 毎月20日はにとりの日
Maitsuki Hatsuka wa Nitori no Hi
“Every 20th of the Month is Nitori Day”
Momiji Inubashiri 01/10 1月10日は椛の日
Ichigatsu Tooka wa Momiji no Hi
“January 10th is Momiji Day”
10/09 10月9日は天狗の日
Jūgatsu Kokonoka wa Tengu no Hi
“October 9th is Tengu Day”
10(Ten)9(gu). Shared with Aya and Hatate.
Sanae Kochiya 03/05 東方巫女の日
Tōhō Miko no Hi
“Touhou Miko Day”
3(Mi)5(ko). Miko Day. Shared with Reimu.
03/07 3月7日は早苗さんの日
Sangatsu Nanoka wa Sanae-san no Hi
“March 7th is Sanae's Day”
11/11 11月11日は御柱の日
Jūichigatsu Jūichi-nichi wa Onbashira no Hi
“November 11th is Onbashira Day”
The number 1 looks like an “onbashira” (御柱, lit. “pillar”). Shared with Kanako and Suwako.
Kanako Yasaka 08/03 八月三日は八坂神奈子の日
Hachigatsu Mikka wa Yasaka Kanako no Hi
“August 3rd is Kanako Yasaka Day”
11/11 11月11日は御柱の日
Jūichigatsu Jūichi-nichi wa Onbashira no Hi
“November 11th is Onbashira Day”
The number 1 looks like an “onbashira” (御柱, lit. “pillar”). Shared with Sanae and Suwako.
Suwako Moriya 03/09 3月9日はミシャグジさまの日
Sangatsu Kokonoka wa Mishaguji-sama no Hi
“March 9th is Mishaguji's Day”
3(Mi)sha9(gu)ji. Suwako controls the Mishaguji.
11/11 11月11日は御柱の日
Jūichigatsu Jūichi-nichi wa Onbashira no Hi
“November 11th is Onbashira Day”
The number 1 looks like an “onbashira” (御柱, lit. “pillar”). Shared with Sanae and Kanako.
Touhou Hisouten ~ Scarlet Weather Rhapsody
Iku Nagae 01/09 1月9日は衣玖さんの日
Ichigatsu Kokonoka wa Iku-san no Hi
“January 9th is Iku-san's Day”
07/12 7月12日は衣玖さんの日
Shichigatsu Jūni-nichi wa Iku-san no Hi
“July 12th is Iku-san's Day”
The 193rd day of the year is July 12th (or July 11th on Leap Year).
Every 19th 毎月十九日は衣玖さんの日
Maitsuki Jūkyū-nichi wa Iku-san no Hi
“Every 19th of the Month is Iku Day”
Tenshi Hinanawi 10/04 10月4日は天子の日
Jūgatsu Yokka wa Tenshi no Hi
“October 4th is Tenshi Day”
10/05 10月5日はてんこの日
Jūgatsu Itsuka wa Tenko no Hi
“October 5th is Tenko Day”
Touhou Chireiden ~ Subterranean Animism
Kisume 11/10 11月10日はキスメの日
Jūichigatsu Tooka wa Kisume no Hi
“Novemer 10th is Kisume Day”
11(Ii)1(I)0(do) for “Ii Ido no Hi” (いい井戸の日, lit. “Good Water Well Day”).
Yamame Kurodani 08/07 ヤマメの日
Yamame no Hi
“Yamame Day” (August 7th)
Parsee Mizuhashi 04/10 4月10日はパルスィの日
Shigatsu Tooka wa Parusi no Hi
“April 10th is Parsee Day”
4(Shi)10(tto). “Shitto” (嫉妬, lit. “Jealousy”).
08/04 8月4日は橋姫の日
Hachigatsu Yokka wa Hashihime no Hi
“August 4th is the Hashihime's Day”
Yuugi Hoshiguma
Satori Komeiji 03/10 3月10日はさとりの日!
Sangatsu Tooka wa Satori no Hi
“March 10th is Satori Day”
Rin Kaenbyou Every 15th 毎月15日はお燐の日
Maitsuki Jūgo-nichi wa Orin no Hi
“Every 15th of the Month is Orin Day”
Rin's name is the 15th element, “Rin” (燐, lit. “Phosphorus”).
Utsuho Reiuji 10/26 10月26日はお空の日
Jūgatsu Nijūroku-nichi wa Okuu no Hi
“October 26th is Okuu Day”
October 26th is Nuclear Day to commemorate Japan joining the IAEA in 1956 and setting up their first nuclear power generator in 1963.
Every 9th 毎月9日はお空の日
Maitsuki Kokonoka wa Okuu no Hi
“Every 9th of the Month is Okuu Day”
Koishi Komeiji 05/14 5月14日はこいしの日
Gogatsu Jūyokka wa Koishi no Hi
“May 14th is Koishi Day”
10/28 10月28日はこいしちゃん×2の日
Jūgatsu Nijūhachi-nichi wa Daburo Koishi-chan no Hi
“October 28th is Double Koishi Day”
Koishi Day × 2. 5×2=10, 14×2=28.
Touhou Seirensen ~ Undefined Fantastic Object
Nazrin 07/20 7月20日はナズーリンの日
Shichigatsu Hatsuka wa Nazūrin no Hi
“July 20th is Nazrin Day”
Tuesdays 毎週火曜はナズーリンの日
Maishū Kayō wa Nazūrin no Hi
“Every Tuesday is Nazrin Day”
Tuesday is “Chūzudei” (チューズデイ) in Katakana and “Chū” (チュー) is a mouse squeak.
Kogasa Tatara 06/11 6月11日は傘の日
Rokugatsu Jūichi-nichi wa Kasa no Hi
“June 11th is Umbrella Day”
The Japan Umberalla Promotion Association has declared June 11th, Umbrella Day, as its roughly when the Rainy Season begins there.
Ichirin Kumoi 10/10 10月10日はスーパー一輪タイム
Jūgatsu Tooka wa Sūpā Ichirin Taimu
“October 10th is Super Ichirin Time”
October 10th has two 1(Ichi)0(rin)s.
Every 10th 毎月10日は一輪の日
Maitsuki Tooka wa Ichirin no Hi
“Every 10th of the Month is Ichirin Day”
Minamitsu Murasa Fridays 毎週金曜はカレーとムラサの日
Maishū Kinyō wa Karē to Murasa no Hi
“Every Friday is Curry and Murasa Day”
The Japanese Navy has Curry Day on Friday to combat Thiamine deficiency.
Shou Toramaru
Byakuren Hijiri 07/06 7月6日は南無三の日
Shichigatsu Muika wa Namusan no Hi
“July 6th is Namusan Day”
Nue Houjuu 06/24 6月24日はぬえの日
Rokugatsu Nijūyokka wa Nue no Hi
“June 24th is Nue Day”
June 24th is UFO Day to commemorate the 1947 Kenneth Arnold UFO sighting.
Double Spoiler
Hatate Himekaidou 10/09 10月9日は天狗の日
Jūgatsu Kokonoka wa Tengu no Hi
“October 9th is Tengu Day”
10(Ten)9(gu). Shared with Aya and Momiji.
Touhou Shinreibyou ~ Ten Desires
Kyouko Kasodani 08/04 8月4日は響子の日
Hachigatsu Yokka wa Kyōko no Hi
“August 4th is Kyouko Day”
The yamabiko shouts yahoo. 8(Ya)4(hoo).
Yoshika Miyako 02/29 2月29日は腐肉の日
Nigatsu Nijūku-nichi wa Funiku no Hi
“February 29th is Rotting Flesh Day”
2(Fu)2(ni)9(ku). “Funiku” (腐肉, lit. “Rotting Flesh”).
Every 4th 毎月4日は宮古芳香の日
Maitsuki Yokka wa Miyako Yoshika no Hi
“Every 4th of the Month is Yoshika Miyako's Day”
“Yoshika” (芳香(よしか)) resembles “Yokka” (4日(よっか)).
Seiga Kaku Every 22nd 毎月22日は青娥娘々の日!!
Maitsuki Nijūni-nichi wa Seiganyannyan no Hi
“Every 22nd of the Month is Seiga Nyan Nyan's Day”
2(Nyan) 2(Nyan)
Soga no Tojiko 08/04 8月4日は屠自古の日
Hachigatsu Yokka wa Tojiko no Hi
“August 4th is Tojiko Day”
Yatte8(yan)4(yo). Tojiko says this during Miko's spell card.
10/25 10月25日は屠自古の日
Jūgatsu Nijūgo-nichi wa Tojiko no Hi
“October 25th is Tojiko Day”
Mononobe no Futo 02/10 2月10日は布都ちゃんの日
Nigatsu Tooka wa Futo-chan no Hi
“Febraury 10th is Futo-chan's Day”
Toyosatomimi no Miko 02/07 2月7日は神子さんの日
Nigatsu Nanoka wa Miko-san no Hi
“February 7th is Miko-san's Day”
Miko is the reincarnation of Prince Shōtoku, whose birthday is on February 7th, 574.
03/05 3月5日は豊聡耳神子の日
Sangatsu Itsuka wa Toyosatomimi no Miko no Ki
“March 5th is Toyosatomimi no Miko Day”
Mamizou Futatsuiwa 02/10 2月10日は二ッ岩の日
Nigatsu Tooka wa Futatsuwa no Hi
“February 10th is Futatsuiwa Day”
02/18 2月18日はマミゾウさんの日
Nigatsu Jūhachi-nichi wa Mamizou-san no Hi
“February 18th is Mamizou's Day”
Touhou Shinkirou ~ Hopeless Masquerade
Hata no Kokoro 05/05, 05/06 5月5~6日はこころの日
Gogatsu Itsuka to Muika wa Kokoro no Hi
“May 5th and 6th is Kokoro Day”
05/26 5月26日はこころの日
Gogatsu Nijūroku-nichi wa Kokoro no Hi
“May 26th is Kokoro Day”
5(Ko) x 2 = Koko, 6 = ro.
08/05 8月5日は秦こころの日
Hachigatsu Itsuka wa Hata no Kokoro no Hi
“August 5th is Hata no Kokoro Day”
8(Ha)ta no 5(Ko)koro.
Touhou Kishinjou ~ Double Dealing Character
Sekibanki 06/06 6月6日は赤蛮奇の日
Rokugatsu Muika wa Sekibanki no Hi
“June 6th is Sekibanki Day”
Kagerou Imaizumi
Yatsuhashi Tsukumo August 8月は九十九八橋の月
Hachigatsu wa Tsukumo Yatsuhashi no Tsuki
“August is Yatsuhashi Tsukumo's Month”
Her name, Yatsuhashi (八橋), can be read as “Eight Bridges”.
Benben Tsukumo
Seija Kijin
Shinmyoumaru Sukuna
Raiko Horikawa
Touhou Shinpiroku ~ Urban Legend in Limbo
Sumireko Usami 12/09 12/9は秘封倶楽部の日
Jūnigatsu Kokonoka wa Hifuu Kurabu no Hi
“December 9th is Hifuu Club Day”
1(Hi)2(fuu)9(Ku)rabu. Shared with Renko and Maribel.
Touhou Kanjuden ~ Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom
Doremy Sweet 08/09 8月9日はドレミーの日
Hachigatsu Kokonoka wa Doremī no Hi
“August 9th is Doremy Day”
10/03 10月03日はドレミーの日
Jūgatsu Mikka wa Doremī no Hi
“October 3rd is Doremy Day”
Jūgatsu Mikka wa Doremī Suīto no Hi
“October 3rd is Doremy Sweet Day”
Sagume Kishin
Hecatia Lapislazuli
Touhou Hyouibana ~ Antinomy of Common Flowers
Joon Yorigami
Shion Yorigami
Touhou Tenkuushou ~ Hidden Star in Four Seasons
Eternity Larva
Nemuno Sakata
Aun Komano
Narumi Yatadera
Mai Teireida
Satono Nishida
Okina Matara
Touhou Kikeijuu ~ Wily Beast and Weakest Creature
Eika Ebisu
Urumi Ushizaki
Kutaka Niwatari
Yachie Kicchou
Mayumi Joutouguu
Keiki Haniyasushin
Saki Kurokoma
Touhou Kourindou ~ Curiosities of Lotus Asia
Tokiko 07/04 7月4日は名無しキャラの日
Shichigatsu Yokka wa Nanashi Kyara no Hi
“July 4th is Nameless Character Day”
7(Nana)4(shi). Shared with Daiyousei, Koakuma, Noroiko, and the Kaikidan 1st Stage Midboss.
Touhou Bougetsushou
Reisen II
Watatsuki no Yorihime Every 4th 毎月4日は依姫の日
Maitsuki Yokka wa Yorihime no Hi
“Every 4th of the Month is Yorihime Day”
Watatsuki no Toyohime 10/04 10月4日は綿月豊姫の日
Jūgatsu Yokka wa Watatsuki Toyohime no Hi
“October 4th is Toyohime Watatsuki's Day”
Touhou Sangetsusei
Sunny Milk 03/02, 03/21 3月2日と21日はサニーミルクの日
Sangatsu Futsuka to Nijūichi-nichi wa Sanī Miruku no Hi
“March 2nd and 21st is Sunny Milk Day”
3(Sa)2(ni), 3(Sa)2(ni)1(i).
Every 21st 毎月21日はサニーミルクの日
Maitsuki Nijūichi-nichi wa Sanī Miruku no Hi
“Every 21st of the Month is Sunny Milk's Day”
Luna Child
Star Sapphire
Touhou Ibarakasen ~ Wild and Horned Hermit
Kasen Ibaraki
Touhou Suzunaan ~ Forbidden Scrollery
Kosuzu Motoori
Touhou Suichouka
Miyoi Okunoda
Touhou Gumon Shiki ~ Perfect Memento in Strict Sense
Heida no Akyuu 10/09 10月9日は阿求の日
Jūgatsu Kokonoka wa Akyū no Hi
“October 9th is Akyuu Day”
In hexidecial, A月9日. A(A)9(kyuu).
The Secret Sealing Club / Music CDs
Renko Usami 12/09 12/9は秘封倶楽部の日
Jūnigatsu Kokonoka wa Hifuu Kurabu no Hi
“December 9th is Hifuu Club Day”
1(Hi)2(fuu) 9(Ku)rabu. Shared with Maribel and Sumireko.
Maribel Hearn 12/9は秘封倶楽部の日
Jūnigatsu Kokonoka wa Hifuu Kurabu no Hi
“December 9th is Hifuu Club Day”
1(Hi)2(fuu) 9(Ku)rabu. Shared with Renko and Sumireko.
Touhou Reiiden ~ Highly Responsive to Prayers
SinGyoku 06/09 6月9日はシンギョクの日
Rokugatsu Kokonoka wa Shingyoku no Hi
“June 9th is SinGyoku Day”
A yin-yang orb (☯) looks like a “6” and “9” combined.
Sariel 03/10 3月10日はSariel様の日!
Sangatsu Tooka wa Sariel-sama no Hi
“March 10th is Sariel-sama's Day”
3(Sa)riel, and “-el” suggests “tenshi” (天使, lit. “angel”) which starts with 10.
Mima Every 30th 毎月30日は魅魔様の日
Maitsuki Sanjū-nichi wa Mima-sama no Hi
“Every 30th of the Month is Mima-sama's Day”
Touhou Fuumaroku ~ the Story of Eastern Wonderland
Meira 08/03 8月3日は明羅の日
Hachigatsu Mikka wa Meira no Hi
“August 3rd is Meira Day”
8(Ya)3(mi). “Power of Darkness” (闇の力, Yami no Chikara) is Meira's theme.
Touhou Yumejikuu ~ Phantasmagoria of Dim. Dream
Ellen 02/08, 02/18, 02/28 2月の8のつく日はふわパチの日
Nigatsu no Hachi no Tsuku Hi wa Fuwapachi no Hi
“February X8th is Fuwapachi Day”
2(Fu)wa8(pachi). “Fuwapachi” is a reference to the “Fuwafuwa no Pachipachi” (ふわふわがパチパチ) in her profile.
Kotohime 05/10 5月10日は小兎姫の日
Gogatsu Tooka wa Kotohime no Hi
“May 10th is Kotohime Day”
Kana Anaberal
Rikako Asakura
Chiyuri Kitashirakawa
Yumemi Okazaki 01/05, Every 15th 『毎月15日と1月5日は教授の日』
Maitsuki Jūgo-nichi to Ichigatsu Itsuka wa Kyōju no Hi
“Every 15th of the Month and January 5th is the Professor's Day”
1(Ichi)5(go), as in “Ichigo Kurosu” (苺クロス, lit. “Strawberry Cross”).
Touhou Gensoukyou ~ Lotus Land Story
Kurumi 09/30 9月30日はくるみの日
Kugatsu Sanjū-nichi wa Kurumi no Hi
“September 30th is Kurumi Day”
9(Kuru)3(mi) 0(Marui). September 30th is actually “Walnut Day” (胡桃の日, Kurumi no Hi), which is where the “Marui” comes from.
Touhou Kaikidan ~ Mystic Square

For Groups and Pairs


list_of_touhou_character_days.txt · Last modified: 2025-01-28 03:47:40 by namelessrumia