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Milking Mima-sama

But if you're milking Mima-sama, then I'd like to see it.” (でも魅魔様の搾乳ならちょっと見たいかも, Demo Mima-sama no sakunyū nara chotto mitai kamo), or “>>301”, is an unusual comment from a Mima thread on Shitaraba's Touhou Series Board on November 26, 2005.1)


In the first Mima thread, “>>301” talks about being curious if Mima was milked and this novel idea gets them punched within 2 minutes and 21 seconds. The logic is that Mima usually has a ghost tail2) and lacks lower genitalia, so one would have to release their sexual frustration onto her breasts which shows us how brilliant it actually was. As a result, “>>301” is always punished when milking gets brought up.

Text art

301 Name: 名前が無い程度の能力 Date: 2005/11/26(Sun) 01:28:24 [ Y7T1.qpM ]
                    / But if you're milking Mima-sama,
                  ∠  then I'd like to see it.
            ∧_∧    \_____________
           (  ´Д`) _
          /⌒ヽ/   / _)
          /   \\// 
          /    /.\/
         /   ∧_二つ
         /   /
        /    \
       /  /~\ \
       /  /   >  )
     / ノ    / /
    / /   .  / ./
    / ./     ( ヽ、
   (  _)      \__つ

302 Name: 名前が無い程度の能力 Date: 2005/11/26(Sun) 01:30:45 [ 4FN51/oY ]
                       _ _     .'  , .. ∧_∧
              ∧  _ - ― = ̄  ̄`:, .∴ '     (    )
             , -'' ̄    __――=', ・,‘ r⌒>  _/ /
            /   -―  ̄ ̄   ̄"'" .   ’ | y'⌒  ⌒i
           /   ノ                 |  /  ノ |
          /  , イ )                , ー'>>301/´ヾ_ノ
          /   _, \               / ,  ノ
          |  / \  `、            / / /
          j  /  ヽ  |           / / ,'
        / ノ   {  |          /  /|  |
       / /     | (_         !、_/ /   〉
      `、_〉      ー‐‐`            |_/ 


  • The same logic can technically be applied to other legless Touhou Project characters which, so far, include: Soga no Tojiko, Wakasagihime, and Mizuchi Miyadeguchi.

See also

        | “ヽ
        |  ヽ_     _ _        .'  , .. ∧_∧
.      / ̄/ゞ〆/,_ - ― = ̄  ̄`:, .∴ '     (    )
     |/ ,-///    __――=', ・,‘ r⌒>  _/ /
    /  /  〆 -― ̄ ̄   ̄"'" .   ’ | y'⌒  ⌒i
   /   L―/ ノ                |  /  ノ |
  //|  /    /|               , ー'>>301/´ヾ_ノ
     ヽ/  ̄ ̄ ̄\               / ,  ノ
     /       |  `、            / / /
.     j       |   |           / / ,'
    /.      /   |         /  /|  |
   < __    /__」_         !、_/ /   〉
    `、_〉 ̄ ̄  ー‐‐`             |_/
"おーい、誰か魅魔様の行方を知らんか?" (November 26, 2005). Shitaraba /computer/6306/.
The exception is Mystic Square where Mima has legs in her cut-in when she uses a bomb.
milking_mima-sama.txt · Last modified: 2024-09-23 00:24:07 by