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Salmão(Salmon)chan is a Brazilian Portugese bulletin board which was co-founded by “Salmão” and “Rayser” on January 29, 2014. They are very permissive, unlike most imageboard websites in the region, usually attributed to the fact that it was founded by former Xchan users.


There was a disagreement amongst the Xchan staff, between “Salmão” and “Chloefag”, which led to “Salmão” setting up her own website. It was originally called Riverside at the “” domain, then became Salmãochan and temporarily moved to “” before settling at the “” domain. While it doesn't have an archive, the Kusaba X instance hints that it was established on January 29, 2014.

In the past, Salmãochan was bloated with scripts and they used to prohibit Windows 8 and Windows 10 users as a way to prevent espionage. Around December 11, 2019, their favicon was changed to a fuchsia-colored pieces symbol, but this change was later reverted. There isn't much else to report on, aside from a short DDoS that are common for these websites.

List of Boards


  • The problem “∫3x-sec²xdx” is an indefinite integral. You aren't supposed to solve it anyways.
salmaochan.txt · Last modified: 2025-02-10 11:34:16 by namelessrumia