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Kuso★ (供素(クソ)★), formally Marisa and Reimu's Christmas Party (魔理沙と霊夢のクリスマスパーティ), is another Cookie☆ voice drama by “Ako Atouda” that was released May 14, 2018.1) Similar to Kusso☆ S1 and Kusso☆ S2, it is mainly a loose parody of Masashi Sada's Gege.2)


The story begins with a Hakurei Shrine Christmas Party, pans to Reimu tending to Marisa, then we are taken back to September where Marisa loses to Riran. Marisa and Reimu chat at the shrine, Reimu tells Marisa to see a doctor, but Marisa shrugs it off until she 'blinded' herself that night. At the clinic, Eirin warns Marisa she'll become blind soon. Marisa shrugs this off too, but Reimu insists on being at her side and starts crying.

Marisa informs Rinnosuke, still under the medicine's effect, about the arrangement and briefly attempts to sell him junk. That night, Marisa and Reimu go to bed at the Hakurei Shrine, and Marisa gets a brief scare. The following day, Marisa convinces her to throw a Christmas Party so she could see everyone's faces, so they visit a pastry workshop, but they're sold out due to a recent sale, so they get a mail-order catalog.

During this, Marisa faints and wakes up in the back, where Byakuren tells Marisa that her blindness may lead to her own 'summer solution'. Returning to the Hakurei Shrine, the two of them argue about serving fried chicken or roast chicken at the party. The scene is interrupted by Yuyuko in an Iron Man outfit, providing an oven, then Milk and Flour arrive with the ingredients. Marisa then realizes they forgot strawberries.

For some reason, Marisa heads to the pastry shop alone, then night falls. Reimu locates Marisa, realizes that she finally went blind, and starts crying. We finally arrive at the Christmas Party, returning to the scene at the beginning. Marisa gives a lot of metaphors and, to break the mood, Marisa suddenly decides to serve Reimu a drink through her mouth, but they start licking each other and it rapidly turns into gay sex.

The credits start to roll, with "September" playing over it. For the post-credits scene, we would see Parsee ask Utsuho to essentially confirm that the two were having gay sex. After this, we get a scene where Marisa guesses what the two were having for dinner, somehow deducing from the feel of salmon that the two were having steamed clams, but it ultimately turns out to be 'salmon meunière' at the end of the video.

Cast and credits

Voice actor Character(s) voiced
Haruki Jun (春希ジュン) HRK姉貴 Reimu
Ichirō (いちろう) ICR姉貴 Marisa
Kinu (きぬ) KN姉貴 Riran, Nue, Remilia
Iseamoa (イセアモア) ISAMA兄貴 Rinnosuke
AKIRA AKR姉貴 Eirin, Yuuka
Arika (ありか) ARK姉貴 Reisen, Cirno
Mugi (むぎ) MG兄貴 Flour
Yogei Meiko (ヨゲイ メイコ) Milk
Eichi (栄知) Byakuren, Alice, Sanae
Zerukaro (ぜ~るかろ) ZRKL姉貴 Yuyuko, Suwako
Hisano (久野) Youmu, Clownpiece
Sakakibara Ruka (榊原瑠花) RK姉貴 Parsee
Itō Ryō (伊藤魎) RYO姉貴 Utsuho
Yuba (湯葉) YB姉貴 Dramatic Song
Reitetsu (レイテツ) RITT兄貴 Quiz Voice
Ryō-san's Sister (魎さんの妹) Narration


  • 'Kuso★' (供素★) uses the on-reading of the kanji, so it doesn't actually mean anything.
    • It'd actually be 'Gōngsù' (供素★) in Chinese, which is just a nonsense word for 'provide element'.
    • The “official number” for this video varies, but I'll use 'Kusso☆ S5' based off of this page.
  • People were initially worried that Milk and Flour being voiced would ruin the characters, but it turned out to not be an issue since Kuso★ isn't really all that MAD worthy anyways.
  • The story about “monks secluding themselves indoors during the summer to avoid stepping on small creatures” does accurately describe how temples were invented according to Buddhist monks.

See also

“Gege” (解夏, lit. “Summer Solution”) is a story by Masashi Sada that was published in December 2002 and it's about a woman who falls in love with a man that becomes blind. The book got a movie adaptation in January 2004, then it saw a TV drama adaptation that was titled "Itoshi Kimi e" (愛し君へ, lit. “To The One I Love”) months later. The TV drama is the only one with a translation.
kusso☆_s5.txt · Last modified: 2025-03-09 10:34:53 by namelessrumia