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Touhou Christmas 2015! (東方クリスマス2015!), alternatively known as KusoKuri☆ (クソクリ☆), is the fourth Cookie☆ voice drama by “Ako Atouda” that was uploaded on December 10, 2015.1) Historically, it would've been his last work, thus Kusso☆FINAL (クッソー☆FINAL).


The story begins with Marisa (Ruka) telling Reimu that she plans to return stolen junk in the Christmas spirit, then Marisa (Kohaku) takes over and starts breaking the fourth wall. First, they break into Alice's house, returning a doll as she moans about mushrooms. Reimu briefly mentions the newer Touhou Project characters, but Marisa stops her because the 'intended' audience wouldn't recognize them anyways.

Next, they break into Eientei to return the stolen medicine. Marisa (Kohaku) then leaves for a party, so Marisa (Akane) takes over as they return a cookbook to a Rurima. We get a brief hot spring scene, then they return Riran's Dark Inferno. Marisa (Akane) is then dragged to bed, so Marisa (Yuuhi) and Marisa (Meguru) tag along. They meet a cat, then find a fully awake and creepy Rinnosuke.

After the Marisas deliver a Master Spark, they'd leave for karaoke. Reimu heads home, but Marisa (Kohaku) comes back since the party wasn't worth it. They get a slightly intimate moment, where Marisa says she'd rather be spending Christmas drinking sake with Reimu, then we pan to the moon and the credits would roll. In the post-credits scene, Reimu and the five Marisas sing the Japanese Jingle Bells.

Cast and credits

Voice actor Character(s) voiced Twitter handle
Shiromiya Rei (白宮れい) SRMY姉貴 Reimu
Ruka (るか) RK姉貴 Marisa @ruka_v
Kohaku Utawa (唄羽琥珀) KHK兄貴2) Marisa @kohaku524
Akane (愛菓音) AKN姉貴 Marisa
Yuuh!*3) YUH姉貴 Marisa @yuuhi5698
Meguru (めぐる) MGR姉貴 Marisa @guruguruu3
Impulsive Margarine (衝動性マーガリン) Mother
AKIRA AKR姉貴 Alice, Eirin @myon_purin
Rurima (るりま) RRM姉貴 Reimu @rurimanursery
Ichigo (Kusso☆) (いちご(クッソー☆)) ICG姉貴 Riran @nanairo_rabbit
Koga (古賀) KG姉貴 Kitten
Iseamoa (イセアモア) ISAMA兄貴 Rinnosuke


  • Reddit uses 'Kusso☆☆☆☆' (クッソー☆☆☆☆), but 'Kusso☆ S4' (クッソー☆4期) works better.
    • There is no sokuon in 'KusoKuri☆' (クソクリ☆), so it cannot be read as 'KussoKuri☆'!
  • The entire video is a Cookie☆☆ S1 parody that has many references to Cookie☆ in general and it even satirizes the meta. Some may love it for this, others may not. Compare with Kuso★.
  • If it isn't obvious, most of the character designs are recycled from previous voice drama projects:
    1. SRMY姉貴 borrows design elements from BNKRG姉貴 (Cookie☆☆ S2).
    2. RK姉貴 borrows design elements from RI姉貴 (Cookie☆☆ S3) and KG姉貴 (Kasu☆).
    3. KHK兄貴 borrows design elements from MZ姉貴 (Cookie☆☆ S2).
    4. AKN姉貴 borrows design elements from RI姉貴 (Cookie☆☆ S3).
    5. YUH姉貴 borrows design elements from UDK姉貴 (Cookie☆).
    6. MGR姉貴 borrows design elements from ASZ姉貴 (Cookie☆☆ S1).
  • “Tamago Sushi-kun” (玉子寿司くん, lit. “Egg Sushi”) from Memo☆ also makes a cameo with Riran.

See also

Kohaku identifies as “X gender” (Xジェンダー), which is the Japanese word for “non-binary gender”, so “Kokaku Aniki” (KHK兄貴) is used out of respect.
“Yuuh!” is actually pronounced “Yuuhi”, she just has the “i” flipped for stylistic purposes.
kusso☆_s4.txt · Last modified: 2025-03-08 15:18:59 by namelessrumia