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This article is about For the other one, see Leftychan.

Leftypol, stylized as /leftypol/, is a bulletin board for left-wing politics that started out as an 8chan board on September 20, 2014,1) migrated over to Bunkerchan in 2019, and initially went independent on December 21, 2020. This iteration may be called .org or .ogre.2)



“/leftypol/ was, by far, the board I was most commonly asked to delete as 8chan's admin. BY FAR.”
– Fredrick Brennan3)

On September 20, 2014, “Che” sets up /leftypol/ on 8chan for political left-wing discussion, because /pol/ was becoming a right-wing echo chamber with ban-happy moderators.4) It got a lot of unwarranted hate,5) but it prospered despite the odds.6) Within a few months, /leftypol/ came into contact with GETchan around January 24, 2015, then Bunkerchan would emerge on September 8, 2015 during 8chan's failed migrations.

Around late 2017, “Che” gets more involved with moderating /leftypol/, and attempted to get rid of their worst posters.7) This resulted in a /leftpol/ split on November 2, 2017,8) but the harm was minimal aside from the “goth blowjob girl” in-joke becoming an illusory truth.9) Then on May 10, 2019, “Che” resigned and handed ownership to “Stalin420”,10) but the 8chan era was rapidly coming to a close.


“Bunkerchans been running for five years and it will run five more without you :)”
– Space_11)

With the fall of 8chan on August 5, 2019, /leftypol/ was forced to migrate over to Bunkerchan. As “Stalin420” became inactive shortly after the migration, the /leftypol/ team was forced to organize democratically with “Comrade Rat” as their de-facto owner. However, the arrangement with Bunkerchan gradually turned sour as their absentee landlord “Space_” was uncooperative and kept delaying important tech work.

Bunkerchan–Leftypol split

The /leftypol/ team wrote an open letter about moving on December 19, 2020,12) but “Space_” threatened to demote everyone13)14) and did.15) This forces the creation of “”16) with their entire tech team focusing on Lainchan fork and “Krates” leading the way. However, most of the /leftypol/ community refused to budge at first as the split was being undermined as petty internal drama.

Following the move, Bunkerchan ended up collapsing on itself. The majority ended up moving after “d0llars” talked about changing its domain and possibly taking donations,17) then one defecting moderator stole the “” domain in an elaborate plan, and made it redirect to “” on April 30, 2021.18) For a moment, “” became the true /leftypol/ and it looked like the split was formally over.

Leftypol–Leftychan split

Behind the scenes, “Krates” became fed up with the website's internal drama and left in April 2021, selecting “Zer0” as their new sysadmin.19) At some point, “Comatoast” considered resigning, accusing “Caballo” of constant rule violations, but “Zer0” wanted “Comatoast” to stay and, as a compromise, proposed that Leftypol would have a new governing system where nobody had to be kicked off.

Fearing possible repercussions, “Caballo” panicked and sounded the alarms,20) before “Zer0”, “Comatoast”, “Watermelon”, and “Zul” could properly announce the reforms on August 8, 2021.21)22) Somehow, “Krates” noticed the developing shitshow and decided to retake the Leftypol domain,23) forcing the reformists to move everything they could to Leftychan on August 10, 2021 while scrubbing the evidence.24)25)


“We, the old-guard of mods, bear responsibility, as the wreckers were all mods recruited relatively recently (none of them are were mods in the 8chan era) and brought in by us, we will have to change our recruiting and our vetting process to select against any immature, unstable, power seeking profile.”
– Krates

Then on August 12, 2021, the “” domain was restored,26) with “Krates” reprising his former role,27) but they had to get a new server and rebuild their database. As a consequence, Leftypol had a noticeable moderation gap during the prime American hours.28)29) Otherwise, the Leftychan split was mostly considered inconsequential since it was relatively short and didn't really last long.


“Actually staff did a bit of research […] and we estimated that around ~40% of users are phoneposters.”
– Zankaria30)

In late 2024, the developer team suddenly introduced many questionable layout changes around August 20, 2024, claiming ~40% of users were phoneposters,31) and abandoned ISO 8601. The server then had a hardware failure on September 9, 2024, forcing them to restore a month-old backup from August 1, 2024. As it reopened on September 12, 2024, a new administrator named “cyberbarbarian” surfaced.32)

List of Boards


gantt title A History of Leftypol dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD axisFormat %Y todayMarker off section 8chan 8ch /leftypol/ : 2014-09-20, 2019-08-05 Bunkerchan established: milestone, 2015-09-08, 0d /leftpol/ split : milestone, 2017-11-02, 0d section Bunkerchan : 2015-09-08, 2016-09-08 : 2016-09-08, 2021-01-17 : 2021-01-17, 2021-04-30 section Post-Bunker : active, 2020-12-21, 2025-06-01 : active, 2021-08-10, 2025-06-01


  • This iteration of Leftypol doesn't have an official Discord guild, since the community has already voted against the proposal several times, so they settled on using Matrix instead.

See also

  • Leftypol - The front page of Leftypol.
  • Leftypol - The self-hosted /leftypol/ public repo. A bit inactive.
  • Leftybooru - The original /leftypol/ booru, moderated by a third-party.33)
  • Leftypedia - One of many wikis about left-wing theory, now hosted on Miraheze.
1) , 4)
"Rules" (September 20, 2014). 8chan /leftypol/.
Leftypol and Leftychan are typically called “.org” and “.net” to avoid each other's wordfilters.
6) , 7) , 10)
"BO Resignation" (May 10, 2019). 8ch /leftypol/.
"No, the goth blowjob girl isn't me." (May 10, 2019). 8ch /leftypol/.
"#15485" (December 26, 2020). Leftybooru.
"A message on ongoing events from the moderation team" (December 19, 2020). Bunkerchan /leftypol/.
"Dumb mod Drama" (December 20, 2020). Bunkerchan /leftypol/.
"A New Era for Bunkerchan" (December 21, 2020). Bunkerchan /leftypol/.
"New Website Without Space" (January 11, 2021). Bunkerchan /leftypol/.
"DEBRIEFING: The Man Who Sold the World" (April 30, 2021). Leftypol /leftypol/.
19) , 23) , 27)
"The events." (August 12, 2021). Leftypol /meta/.
"some changes in leadership" (August 8, 2021). Leftypol /leftypol/.
"jannie drama part 2: reforms" (August 9, 2021). Leftypol /leftypol/.
"actual reform, new mod and dev recruitment" (August 11, 2021). Leftychan /leftypol/.
"We are still grilling, please come in!" (August 12, 2021). Leftypol /leftypol/.
"NA Evenings / EU Late Nights / AU Mornings" (September 7, 2021). Leftypol /meta/.
30) , 31)
"I don't like the recent CSS changes" (August 20, 2024). Leftypol /meta/.
"/leftypol/ outage" (September 12, 2024). Leftypol /leftypol/.
In March 2020, there was a push to move Leftybooru as the moderation at “” looked slow. They'd attempt to move it to “”, then move again to “” as their first move made even more duplicates. Eventually, the “” owner stepped in and the move ended.
leftypol.txt · Last modified: 2025-03-01 00:32:48 by namelessrumia