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“I am constantly insulted on this platform”
– Elon Musk1)

X, also called 'X, the Everything App',2) Twitter, Twix, and Xitter,3) is the microblogging, social networking service, co-founded by four Odeo employees4) on March 21, 2006,5) went public,6)7) then it went private after Elon Musk's $44 billion acquisition on October 27, 2022.8)

With the Twitter, Inc.X Corp. transition,9) rebranding efforts started around July 23, 2023,10)11) and concluded with the domain change that rolled out on May 17, 2024.12) Over the years, Elon Musk would become a highly contentious and openly reactionary figure.


The service revolves around short-form posts,13) which users can attach media, a poll, or a location to, then other users may like your post, share it to their account, or leave a reply if willing. Users may change their timeline by following or unfollowing accounts, except the website pushes the highly algorithmic 'for you' timeline by default, which you can instead manipulate by simply liking and bookmarking posts.

A chronological timeline is available, the 'following' tab, but the website defaults to the 'for you' tab unless you use a third-party extension or client. While 'likes' are no longer public,14) making 'bookmarks' redundant,15) please be aware that your following is still public.16) Everything else is just UI bloat: the annoying news widget, the AI named Grok, communities, spaces, premium upselling, etc.

Third-party tools

Third-party extensions

Third-party services

For question-and-answer services, see Personal Q&A.

  • Privatter [@privatter] - An off-site blogging service with a handful of privacy features, including password-protected posts and restricting posts to only be viewable by followers.
  • Skeb [@skeb_jp] - It's an artist 'commission' service18) that uses a lot of wasei-eigo terminology, so please read the client guidelines and be very specific with your paid drawing request.
  • TwitLonger [@twitlonger] - An off-site blogging service which has allowed people to write longer posts since 2008. Due to the recent API changes, it hasn't returned yet.


Highly detrimental platform

The platform is rather misanthropic(human-hating) and stress-inducing, causing people to become reluctant to use it or quit, which isn't helped by the character limit making it easy for people to misinterpret posts. A malicious person could easily instigate fights with complete strangers because it's just so open.19) Despite all of this, the platform oddly persists, even with the whole post-acquisition uptick in blatant reactionary drivel.20)21)

Bias and manipulation

For most of its history, the platform has been a Western propaganda outlet, starting with Jack Dorsey's initial visit to Occupied Iraq22) and the Iranian Twitter Revolution.23)24) After the FEI fearmongering, Twitter hired a former PsyOp officer,25)26) increased FBI communications per Twitter Files,27)28) and hired many former FBI and Atlantic Council personnel29) to help curate propaganda.30)

Their worst offense was the unbalanced 'state-affiliated media' label31) where they consulted the pro-defense ASPI,32) a think tank with a clear agenda33)34)35) to be hostile towards Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, China, Venezuela, etc.36) With the 2022 acquisition, most of these operations were torn down,37)38)39)40) a temporary reprieve,41) until we realize that Elon Musk is a reactionary stooge working for the government.42)

Major API changes

On January 12, 2023, the platform changed its API, breaking third-party clients in the process,43) and began enforcing “long-standing API rules”44) to clamp down on third-party clients45) since the company was in a noticably tight spot.46)47)48)49) The platform tried to end free API access,50)51) but the backlash caused them to cede a limited form of free API access.52)53) Oddly enough, Reddit followed suit.


  • Please keep the following points in mind when dealing with the platform:
    1. The platform is not anonymous. This is a basic lesson of the internet, but don't announce or post about your illicit activities on the platform or its app, unless you know what you're doing.
    2. The platform does not always reflect reality. It's infested with bots who intend to manipulate public opinion, but crypto nerds and the politically obsessed are kinda rare to find.
    3. The platform is poorly coded. Personally, I really dislike when people obsess over follower counts and start getting paranoid about the algorithm or how they are allegedly shadowbanned.
  • Under the original administration, a verified badge (blue checkmark) application required you to have three news articles written on you in the past six months from 'verified' news outlets.54)
  • The former 2010–2023 mascot of Twitter was called Larry the Bird,55) named after Larry Bird.
  • Despite their long history of selling user data,56)57) accounts must have a phone number, so users who wish to circumvent this must use a burner phone58) or borrow someone else's phone number.
  • Some hashtags will have a paid custom emoji next to it. These were called 'hashflags' which first debut for the 2010 FIFA World Cup and 2014 FIFA World Cup, then stuck around ever since.59) With the acquisition, the 'hashflags' were officially rebranded to 'hashmojis' instead.60)
  • In the past, Twitter would suppress trends after some time to keep the news fresh, approximately three days, but activists and bots would start gaming the system by making typos of the original tag trend.
  • By 2019, the platform became a home for cryptocurrency discussion,61) and it seeped into the company.
    • During the NFT craze, Jack Dorsey sold his first tweet for $2.9 million. It's worthless.62)63)
    • In an October 2022 report, it was reported that 13% of Twitter was NSFW content, supposedly next to cryptocurrency, but the report curiously did not provide an estimate for this.64)
    • Binance reportedly gave $500 million to Elon Musk,65) which makes up 1.13% of their $44 billion.
  • You can always mute people if you don't want to give them the satisfaction of being blocked. :V
  • If you applied for the gold checkmark, intended for businesses and verified organizations,66) please be aware that your application may be denied and they will not refund your $1,000.
  • With the Japanese community, “FF-gai kara shitsureishimasu” (FF外から失礼します), or “FF-gai” (FF外) for short, is an overly polite preface for “neither of us follow each other, so pardon my intrusion.”

See also

"I am constantly insulted on this platform" (December 28, 2024). Twitter.
The nickname, 'X, the Everything App', is a comically formal nickname that is said in a sarcastic or mocking tone. It calls back to Elon Musk's earlier attempts at generating hype for shareholders with a vague plan to turn the platform into an everything app, but everyone else just views it as a ridiculous term.
The nickname 'Xitter' is supposedly pronounced 'Shitter', but the joke doesn't exactly land if you're aware of how other languages interpret the letter 'X', resulting in readings like 'Chitter', 'Kitter', 'Sitter', 'Zitter', etc.
It should be noted that Blogger co-founder Evan Williams was one of Twitter's co-founders, so keep in mind that Odeo, Obvious Corporation, Twitter, and Medium didn't come out of nowhere.
"just setting up my twttr" (March 21, 2006). Twitter.
"A Conversation With Twitter Co-Founder Jack Dorsey" (February 12, 2009). The Daily Anchor.
"How Twitter Will Change as a Private Company" (October 28, 2022). The New York Times.
"Twitter, Inc. is now X Corp." (April 11, 2023). TechCrunch.
In the past, Twitter had public 'likes' (favorites) and made the idiotic decision to put 'likes' of the accounts you follow onto the timeline around August 17, 2014, which was an issue if you happen to follow adult content and knew that some of your followers were adverse to said content. This was eventually made private after it became an unnecessary source of scandalous drama on June 11, 2024.
At one point, the 'bookmarks' had a reputation of being an unofficial 'private like', rather than a collection of posts you saved and intend to return to later, though they have recently added subscription-only folders.
You could 'technically' follow accounts privately by adding them to a private list (though it obviously won't work if the account goes private) and possibly pin this list so it acts as a secret private timeline. However, this is honestly a bit much and I'd advise being honest, making another account, or using some Nitter instance.
As a warning, Skeb's definition of a 'commission' is just a 'drawing request' with an offering. You must be detailed with the request, since you're not allowed to contact the artist (e.g. changes, details, estimate, reasons for denying, etc.) or else the service will ban and blacklist you.
A number of social networking services limit their search engine to find tagged posts, pages, or users, but Twitter's search engine grabs almost anything, making it easy for trolls to fish for their next target.
"Evaluating Iran's Twitter Revolution" (June 18, 2010). The Atlantic.
"KABOOM 💥💥💥💥💥" [Archive] (December 16, 2022). Twitter.
"The think tank behind Australia's changing view of China" (February 15, 2020). Australian Financial Review.
"Gearing up for all things #WorldCup" (June 10, 2014). Twitter.
"Nitter is dead." (January 27, 2024). GitHub.
twitter.txt · Last modified: 2025-03-04 04:51:29 by namelessrumia