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Hispachan was a popular Spanish bulletin board that was founded by “Zeta” on November 17, 2012, who later stepped down on March 10, 2021,1) and it proceeded to close on May 31, 2022.2) Despite their size, it was not respected by the anonymous Hispanic community.


On November 6, 2012, “Zeta” purchases the “” domain3) and implements a countdown to the inauguration on November 17, 2012. They started out with a “General” board4) and ran “Kusaba X”, which became heavily modified over time.5) After some time, “Zeta” bought SectaChan's domain and Twitter on April 9, 2014,6) claiming to be its successor, then advertised itself on 4chan around May 11, 2014.

From there, Hispachan mostly gathered a negative reputation in anonymous Hispanic communities as it was too mainstream. Some boring controversies happened,7) several AMA (Q&A) threads were held, then they would get some weird sponsors. “Zeta” would eventually step down on March 10, 2021, keeping control of the domain,8) then it was announced Hispachan would close on May 31, 2022.9)

List of Boards

  • Regional (NSFW)
    • Argentina [ar]
    • Central America [cc]
    • Chile [cl]
    • Columbia [co]
    • Spain [es]
    • Mexico [mx]
    • Peru [pe]
    • Uruguay [uy]
    • Venezuela [ve]
  • Leisures
    • Anime and Manga [a]
    • Animation and Comics [ac]
    • Art [art] (NSFW)
    • Balcony [b] (NSFW) - The /b/ board.
    • General [g]
    • History and Advice [ch]
    • Animals [ham] (NSFW) - Funposting.
    • Internet Addicts [i]
    • Music [mu]
    • Cinema and Series [tv]
    • Video Games [v]
    • Videos [w] (NSFW)
  • Interests
    • Science [c]
    • Religion and Spirituality [e]
    • Exercise, Health, and Style [f]
    • Humanities [hu]
    • Economy [k]
    • Meta [m]
    • Plaza [pl] - Hispanic discussions.
    • Politics and Conspiracies [pol]
    • LGBT+ [q]
    • Technology [t]
  • Sexy (NSFW)
    • Hentai [h]
    • Hentai Alternative [ha]
    • Sexy Cartoons [sc]

Note: This list was retrieved on 2022-05-31. It may have changed since then.

Hispachan AMAs

The website curiously had a number of question-and-answer “ask me anything” (AMA) threads, starting with YouTube personality DrossRotzank on February 29, 2016, and “Zeta” actively encouraged the idea.10) Surprisingly, people have actually taken the offer, though “Zeta” would later complain about how people rarely accept, either due to the unconventionally vulgar environment or monetary demands.11)

Date Interviewee(s) Archive Additional sources
2016-02-29 Dross
YouTube personality
2016-03-13 Hiroyuki Nishimura
2channel founder, 4chan owner
/g/2158498 Twitter
2016-04-11 Vincent Canfield owner
/g/2259040 Twitter
2016-07-25 Doomentio
YouTube personality
2016-08-20 SpainSquad
Hacktivist group
2016-09-01 Jim Watkins
NTTEC founder, 2channel owner
2017-01-05 Shadow27682
YouTube personality
2018-06-11 Death of the HispachanFiles archive
2018-07-12 Dracer
YouTube personality
2018-12-13 Esquizofrenia Natural
YouTube personality
2019-01-13 Torbe
PutaLocura porn director
2019-04-09 Fredrick Brennan
8chan founder, ex-Wizardchan admin
2019-10-12 Quetzal
YouTube personality
2020-08-27 Sr Pelo
2020-09-17 Shadow27682
YouTube personality


  • Hispachan technically had a number of mascots, but below are the few that stood out:
    • Hispacan/Hispaperro - The orange, dog-like character with the “ñ” shirt.
    • Hispita - The blonde girl with glasses and some sort of red-yellow outfit, themed after the website.
    • Nazi-tan - A black-haired girl with the Nazi outfit, referring to the moderation style.
  • “Sr Pelo” has done an AMA thread12)13) and contributed a Cirno Day drawing.14) If this doesn't make it obvious that Hispachan was extremely “normie as fuck”, then I don't know what to tell you.
  • Hispachan [Archive] - The front page of Hispachan, archived May 31th, 2022.
    • @hispachan on Twitter - Status updates and shitposts. It's still active, for some reason.
    • @hispachan on Gab - It's empty.
  • Hispasexy - The front page of Hispasexy. Allows real-world porn, but has pop-under ads.
  • Hispafiles - An archive for Hispachan, not to be confused with HispachanFiles which died in 2018.15)
hispachan.txt · Last modified: 2024-10-01 07:10:31 by namelessrumia