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Fixing Discord embeds

This article is a brief overview on the available workarounds that could be used to fix Discord's unreliable embeds or link previews. As a side note, some of these can be used for alternative messaging clients like Telegram, but we are mostly focusing on Discord for this article.

Security notice

As a general warning, please be aware that usage of these services means that the content passing through may be read by a third-party, other than the messaging client.1) The issue has been raised before when FixTweet's original developer complained about project forks, while admitting that this data was being used to report unsavory content,2)3) though the project has changed hands since then.4)

The first method involves modifying the link to one of the solutions provided below, which only requires some level of courtesy or netiquette. It's worth noting that this method might work with other messaging clients as well, but I can't verify these claims. Some of the URLs may look weird since they're meant to be used with a sed substitute after you posted the unmodified link.5)

Target Solution(s) Source code
Bluesky vxBsky GitHub last commit (branch) FixTweet GitHub last commit (branch) (↵ s/y/x) VixBluesky GitHub last commit (branch)
DeviantArt fixdeviantart GitHub last commit (branch)
FurAffinity xfuraffinity GitHub last commit (branch) fxraffinity GitHub last commit (branch) (↵ s/u/x)
Instagram InstaFix GitHub last commit (branch)
Pixiv phixiv GitHub last commit (branch) (↵ s/i/p)
Reddit vxReddit GitHub last commit (branch) (↵ s/e/x) fxreddit GitHub last commit (branch)
TikTok vxtiktok GitHub last commit (branch) (↵ s/i/n) fxTikTok GitHub last commit (branch) (↵ s/o/x) tiktxk GitHub last commit (branch) (↵ s/i/fx)
Tumblr (↵ s/u/p) fxtumblr GitHub last commit (branch)
Twitch Add ? at the end. If it doesn't work, add more characters after ? until it does.
Twitter / X BetterTwitFix GitHub last commit (branch) FixTweet GitHub last commit (branch) (↵ s/e/p) (unofficial)

Bot method

The other method involves adding a bot that fixes and generates an embed for you, sometimes deleting the broken embed in the process. Of course, the drawback is that public bots are not perfect, some bots only support one website, and developers have to adhere to the developer policy, which is to say that you can't exactly have public bots share unsavory content unless the bot is private or restricted.

  • Boe Tea GitHub last commit (branch) Discord server count6)
    Does nothing, spam replies with media. Reacts to 🚮. Ugoira not animated. Too many features.
  • Embed Fixer GitHub last commit (branch) Discord server count
    Deletes post, mimics post with fixed embed. React ❌ to 🚮. Ugoira not animated.
  • Ermiana GitHub last commit (branch) Discord server count
    Deletes embed, replies with fixed embed and menu buttons. No settings. A distinct Taiwanese smell.7)
  • EZ / EmbedEZ (closed source) Discord server count
    Deletes embed, posts fixed embed. Media backup subscription service. Smells bad.8)
  • 🌟 FixTweet GitHub last commit (branch) Discord server count
    Deletes embed, posts fixed embed. Basic role management tools. Freemium service, $1.99/mo.
  • LinkFix GitHub last commit (branch) Discord server count
    Deletes embed, replies with one of those aforementioned links. No settings.
  • Nano Embedding (closed source) Discord server count
    Deletes embed, spam replies with media. Reacts to 🚮. Ugoira not supported. No settings.9)
  • 🌟 SaucyBot GitHub last commit (branch) Discord server count
    Deletes embed,10) replies with fixed embed. No settings. No “_master1200”.11) The classic.

Note: 🌟 - Honorable mentions. ⭐ - Very close to honorable mention. ❌ - Not recommended.

Of course, there is something to be said about Discord itself being the third-party, but this is just a simple article about embeds, so I'll leave that judgement to you.
"Goodbye, TwitFix!" (May 16, 2022). Daisy's Blog.
For example: s/i/n = “tiktok” → “tnktok”, s/e/x = “reddit” → “rxddit”, s/o/x = “tiktok” → “tiktxk”, etc.
Boe Tea doesn't have an entry in the Discord App Directory, so we have to go off of its internal stats. The rest of these bots do have an entry, so the other “server” buttons should be clickable.
Ermiana is aggressively clear that it is Taiwanese bot, supporting websites like PTT and Plurk, on top of Traditional Chinese buttons like “gèngduō túpiàn” (更多圖片, lit. “more images”). Anyone can see and interact with the embedded menu buttons, so it's kind of like a public remote control. Neat.
EmbedEZ is a weird service that has a ton of embed fixing solutions, but something about clicking on a link and being brought to their website instead of the intended post feels scummy, thus why I choose not to list their services in the big chart. It also does not support Bluesky or Pixiv. Aside from this, EmbedEZ has this weird Twitter account and North Korea catches a stray on their website.
Nano Embedding personally wasn't for me, but the developer does draw some nice furries. ┐(´ー`)┌
SaucyBot might not have the correct permissions to delete embeds if you're one of the servers that added it during the early post-SauceBot days, so just kick and reinvite the bot if you want to fix that.
Pixiv has distinct filenames where you can tell that “_p0_master1200.jpg” is a thumbnail or a preview. So far, SaucyBot is the only Discord bot that makes an attempt to avoid this mistake.
fixing_discord_embeds.txt · Last modified: 2025-01-15 02:44:22 by namelessrumia