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C (しぃ, Shii), often translated as Shii, is an AA character that debut after the creation of 2channel's /mona/ board in June 2000. She was once considered to be apart of the big four, but has become forgotten over time. In short, she was Giko's lover and lives inside a box.


       (*゚ー゚) ____
        /つ/|     /| 
     ~   | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| .| 
    、、、、(/  | ギコニャン. |/,,,  ,,

Back then, AA threads were housed on /kitchen/ while Kaomojis had their own /kao/ board. This changed on June 8, 2000 when the /mona/ board was established. Within a few days, a person named “”, who later became “Cちゃん” (C-chan) before settling on “しー” (Shii), would appear in the Giko threads and later made her own character.1)2)3) They later adopted a tripcode (◆CgikokqI) and received a capcode (しー★).

Genocide Boom

Main article: Afoshii

Within the next month, her character would be tortured4) and a “Genocide Boom” (虐殺ブーム, Gyakusatsu Būmu) sparked on the AA boards from 2002 to 2004, partially as a way to troll people who get invested in these things. The spam would eventually be curbed by mid-2005 and moved to a Shitaraba board, called the Abnormal Neta Specialty Mona Board or “Abu Board” (アブ板).

Text artwork

    ∧ ∧___  ダッコ♪
   /(*゚ー゚) /\
 /| ̄∪∪ ̄|\/
   |        |/
     ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄



Tsuu (つー) is a Shii variant with Ahya's face, debuting on June 6, 2001 in a fake Shii thread.5) The name is obviously a joke about how “shi” (シ) and “tsu” (ツ) looks similar in katakana. In contrast, Tsuu is more active, unpredictable, bratty, and violent, often wielding a knife as a weapon. By the way, Tsuu does not have an explicit gender, but will often be depicted as a flat-chested female tsundere.

        __∧ ∧
       /\  (*゚∀゚)\
       \/| ̄∪∪ ̄|\
        __∧ ∧
       /\  (*゚∀゚)\
       \/| ̄∪∪ ̄|\
  ∧ ∧
  .(|  |)
 ~|   |
   U U
       ∧ ∧   三≡ =|二フ 
       /  つ´            三≡ =|二フ
     ~/  つ 
      (/´        三≡ =|二フ


  • While there are other Shii variants that use the other alphabet letters, I probably won't document them all here because it just seems like a huge waste of time.
  • There have been jokes about Shii being communist since Kazuo Shii had been the chairman of the Japanese Communist Party from 2000 to 2024, but they're not as common.

See also

  • Mona, Giko, and Morala - The other three members from the original big four of 2ch AA.
  • Shii's Song - Their most popular Flash animation.
  • Shii on the 2ch AA Illustration Project
  • Shii on Niconico Encyclopedia
"ここでもやらねば 暴言スレッド" (June 8, 2000). 2channel /mona/.
"■ギコ猫相談員の休息所■" (June 12, 2000). 2channel /mona/.
"ギコ連合王国建国の詔" (June 12, 2000). 2channel /mona/.
"(*゚ー゚) "しー"と遊ぼう!!(゚ー゚*)" (July 1, 2000). 2channel /mona/.
"ツーチャントアソボウ" (June 6, 2001). 2channel /mona/.
shii.txt · Last modified: 2025-02-14 22:41:40 by namelessrumia