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U-18chan is an English furry bulletin board which began as a merger of Aurorachan's /fur/ board into an IB4F board in late 2009, before it was forced to become an independent website in November 2010. For the most part, it is a “furry porn” website according to their own staff.


In 2009,1) the community at Aurorachan's “Furry” (/fur/) board, known as the “Aurorafurries”, would routinely raid 4chan's “Random” (/b/) board as a way to advertise themselves to furries on /b/ while also trolling their anti-furry sentiments. The community would later coordinate in a Xat chatroom, established by /fur/ moderator “Serpentor”, and it rapidly became apparent that the one board format was extremely limiting.2)

On June 26, 2009, after failing to set up a Kusaba X website, “Filthy” and “AlienSloth Man” (later “Jay”) would establish FilthySlothChan at IB4F3) which then became U-18chan on October 22, 20094) since they joked that they evaded raids like a U-18 submarine. The AuroraFurries would migrate to U-18chan by November 2009,5) then “Serpentor” vanished6) and Aurorachan deleted the board in March 2010.


After registering numerous U-18chan domains,7) “Infinitus” was forced to shut IB4F down in November 2010,8) forcing U-18chan to use their new “” domain and restart with a fresh Kusaba X installation on December 2, 2010.9) During this time, U-18chan temporarily borrowed Krautchan's mascot, Heinrich, since he conveniently fit in with the website's unusual aesthetics until he was replaced on July 13, 2011.10)

Due to Kusaba X's performance issues, the U-18chan staff inherited IB4F's Kusaba X fork from “Infinitus” and installed it on July 28, 2011.11)12) Five years later, a power surge would kill their hard drive in July 2016,13)14) forcing U-18chan to salvage what was left and rebuild the server, while moving to a new datacenter, then they returned on July 24, 201615)16) though the news post17) shows an incorrect start date.18)


In September 2023, there was a server failure and, since the U-18chan staff had no idea who had control of the website's Twitter or FurAffinity accounts, they ended up placing an invite link to the official U-18chan Discord server on the front page.19) As of 2024, the U-18chan staff does have plans to replace the Pawstika with a new U-18chan logo, but it hasn't gone into effect as they're still dealing with technical issues.

List of Boards

The “Index” is a weird version of the “Catalog” that has paging, but they also have a Recent and Search tool if that seems more useful.

Note: This list was retrieved on 2021-11-14. It may have changed since then.


  • The U-18chan mascot, a female sergal in an SS uniform, was designed by “Yuuri” or “YuuriArtz”.20) She was given her name, “Valkyria”, in a community vote that concluded on August 28, 2011.21)
  • U-18chan once had a “Scalies” (/scale/) board, but it was closed in 2017 and was eventually deleted.
  • On April 18, 2017, the U-18chan staff published a statement that U-18chan doesn't condone Nazi ideology,22) despite the website's continued use of “Nazifur” aesthetics and “Pawstika” imagery.
  • U-18chan - The front page of U-18chan.
    • @u18chan on Twitter - The official U-18chan account, though it hasn't updated since 2019.
  • U-18chan on WikiFur
The news post claims that they had origins in 2006, but Aurorachan didn't exist until July 2009. On the other hand, the AuroraFurries's chatroom was first archived in March 2009, so we could also be missing a lot of history that wasn't archived.
2) , 22)
"U-18Chan Does Not Condone Nazi Ideology" (April 18, 2017). U-18chan.
"Them Patriotic Nigras" (June 29, 2009). U-18chan.
"WTF is with ur URL changeing again?" (October 22, 2009). U-18chan.
"Ethnic Cleansing" (November 29, 2009). U-18chan.
"ughh shit it's been a while" (January 27, 2010). U-18chan.
"*sigh*" (November 22, 2010). IB4F.
"Good New!" (December 2, 2010). U-18chan.
10) , 20)
"New Mascot!" (July 13, 2011). U-18chan.
"Things Are About To Get German" (July 28, 2011). U-18chan.
"We are alive~" (July 24, 2016). Twitter.
"Online~" (July 24, 2016). U-18chan.
The news post claims that it was posted on September 24, 2012, rather than July 24, 2016. This is likely a result of U-18chan attempting to salvage lost data, confusing their Kusaba X fork on the website's creation date.
"Valkyria" (August 28, 2011). U-18chan.
u-18chan.txt · Last modified: 2024-06-08 08:54:04 by namelessrumia