Table of Contents
This article is about old Gikopoi. For new Gikopoi, see Gikopoipoi.
BarGikopoi Online (BARギコっぽいONLINE, lit. “BarGiko-ish Online”), also known as Gikopoi (ギコぽい),1) was a Flash-based AA chatroom developed by “llll” as a BarGiko clone in July 2005. After two decades, the servers had unofficially went offline around August 2024.
Server list
There were three main Gikopoi servers in total with numerous rooms that users could broadcast and chat in, presented below:
- General (_gen) - The main Japanese-language server, which was normally the most populated server until its relative death.
- Junior (_yng) - The alternate Japanese-language server for the underage users. It was likely meant to mitigate stress and be a 'safe' alternative since the game is technically for adults.
Additionally, there were secret “VIP” (_vip) and “Kawaisosu” (_kws) servers, but you could only broadcast at the bar and these were normally empty since nobody was really visiting them in the 2010s.
Public Avatars
- Giko (ギコ)
- Shii (しぃ)
- Naito Horizon / Boon (内藤ホライゾン)
- Christmas Giko (クリスマスギコ)
- Christmas Shii (クリスマスしぃ)
- Furoshiki Giko (風呂敷ギコ)
- Pianica Shii (ピアニカしぃ)
- Apple Horizon (りんごホライゾン) - VIP only.
Chinpoppo (ちんぽっぽ)
Password Required
- Kamen Giko (仮面ギコ)
- Translucent Giko (半透明ギコ)
- Darth Horizon (内藤暗黒卿)
- Red Horizon (紅いホライゾン)
Seaside City (海辺の街, Umibe no Machi), also translated as Sea City or Sea Town, was the main world that the chatroom revolved around. It had a total of 32 rooms, which you can manually walk towards or teleport using the #rula
or #ルーラ
spell. However, the spell will not teleport you to the “Admin's Bar” on Kanrinrin Street, or the underground “Drunker's Bar” where anonymity is enforced.
- Radio Studio (ラジオ局)
- Radio Studio 1 (第1スタジオ)
- Radio Studio 2: BEAT GIKO (第2スタジオ)
- Radio Studio 3: G-SQUID (第3スタジオ)
- Radio Studio: Dressing Room (楽屋)
- Radio Studio: Greenscreen (舞台裏)
- Kanrinrin Street (開発局通り)
- Developer's Lounge (開発局)
- Admin's Bar (秘密のバー) - Enter through the alleyway.
- Bar Street (バー通り)
- Bar (バー)
- Sushi Vendor (屋台)
- Eel Track (鰻道)
- Shrine (神社)
- Shrine Entrance (神社 入り口)
- School Crossing (学校通り)
- School: Hallway (廊下)
- School: Classroom (教室)
- School: Computer Lab (パソコン教室)
- School: Cultural Room (国際科教室)
- School: Schoolyard (校庭)
- Bus Stop (バス停)
- Seashore (海岸)
- Underground Town (地下街)
- Underground Town: Bar 774 (バー774)
- Underground Town: Drunker's Bar (居酒屋 名無し) - Anonymity is enforced in this room.
- Hilltop (高台)
- Hilltop Stairway (高台の階段)
- Cafe Vista (カフェ通り)
- Well A (井戸A)
- Well B (井戸B)
- Banqueting Bar (宴会場)
The administrators did provide a list of prohibited behaviors on Gikopoi.3) However, it isn't known if these same rules were ever enforced on non-Japanese users in the international server.
- Don't publish phone numbers, regardless of whether it's a landline number or cell phone number.
- Don't publish anybody's real addresses.
- Unauthorized access through the use of Flash disassembly.
- Unauthorized use of accelerators6) and so on.
- Don't discuss crimes, partake in acts that encourage crimes, or post an advance notice of a crime.
- Don't exchange money or securities (e.g. book coupons,7) gift cards) within the Junior server.
- Even if the exchange isn't announced on Gikopoi, such activities shouldn't be conducted through Gikopoi. For example: announcing a fundraiser on Gikopoi with your Skype account.
- When you tried to input “
” as your name, it would get changed to Bae Yong-joon (ペ・ヨンジュン).- Of course, this can technically be circumvented by inputting “
” instead.
- There were efforts to translate Gikopoi into other languages, but they didn't get very far.9)
- In its early days, there used to be constant scuffles between English users and Chinese users.
- 4chan's /b/ board used to wordfilter “gikopoi”, changing it to “ohno” for some reason.
- At the time, people used idling scripts to keep Gikopoi open. “iccanobif” had created idlepoi, which would be ported to userscript by “roris” as idlescript and “2sh” as idlegiko afterwards.
External links
- BAR GIKO POI ONLINE - The front page of Gikopoi, requires Flash.
- Yonkoma Manga ~Hentaipoi~ - Hentai Neko's yonkoma. Ran until 2018.
- Bar Gikopoi Matome - An unofficial Japanese wiki.
- Let's walk Gikopoi! Gikopoi General Information Site - An unofficial Japanese webpage.